Redemption: Yield to the light of Christ, and choose good; it will lead one to the Holy Ghost, by which one learns the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Upon accepting it, the ordinances, and the Holy Ghost, one may know what to do in all cases. If one then does what one knows one should, one will be redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Rescue: Go to the best schools, learn the learning and wisdom of men, especially science. Science is a description of the universe which has been empirically grounded, rationally articulated and socially accepted by certified human beings.
Test: Power to be righteous.
Test: Power to do what one desires.
(This leads to a showdown of power.)
Evaluates the confirmed Humanist as hard-hearted.
Evaluates Book of Mormon mind as insane.
Fundamental Concepts
Book of Mormon Mind
Humanist Mind
God and Satan
Myself, and everyone else
Choosing good over evil
Attaining pleasure, avoiding pain
Saint/Natural man
Learned, powerful/ unlearned, impotent
Space for repentance
Long life to have much pleasure
Place to prosper
Turf to dominate
Redemption: To be restored to the presence of God
Advantage: Some edge on others by which to be superior to someone