Concept Clarification Example: Wisdom

Concept Formulation/Clarification/Definition

Chauncey C. Riddle,
1983 Class handout

Example: Wisdom

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  1. Symbols: (Symbols associated with concept in its variant forms.) wise, wisdom
  2. Base: (language/culture/time frame of inquiry) Gospel/scriptural
  3. Etymology: AS, wis=discerning + dom=judgment
  4. Dictionary definition:

Webster’s Collegiate: “Quality of being wise; ability to judge soundly and deal sagaciously with facts, esp. as they relate to life and conduct; discernment and judgment; discretion; sagacity.”

Oxford English: “Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgment in the choice of means and ends. …”

5. Examples: (Examples in base on other side.)

’Tis a wise man who knows his own father.
Wisdom is justified of her children.

6. Correlations

Concept Analysis
(actual image from Chauncey’s Class Outline – 1983)
Genus: ThinkingLevels
Similar: Ethics, morality, copingCelestial
Perfection: All wiseAll wisdom comes from God
Pre-requisite (s)Comple-ment:Counter-feit(s)Terrestrial
AgencyFoolishnessSophistry, being learnedLiving by rules
WisdomLiving by impulse
Opposite: InsanePerdition
Contrary: Stupidity, innocence,
Living to use others while feigning good
Necessary Constituents

(table above can scroll side to side)

7. Key questions: (Questions and answers to illuminate the concept. Use other side.)

  1. What is the connection between wisdom and ethics?
    Ethics is the study of the different approaches to wisdom in the world.
  2. How many kinds of wisdom are there?
    Nearly as many as there are individuals.

8. Definition: Wisdom is the ability to achieve one’s goal at a tolerable price and never to have to look back and be sorry.

9. Examples: (Positive/negative examples to demonstrate or test concept.)

  1. Examples: The man who built upon a rock. The man who works hard and saves.
  2. Non-examples: The man who built upon sand. The man who is lazy and a spendthrift.

10. Relevance: (The difference this concept should make in my life: heart, mind, strength, might.)

There seem to be many short-run wisdoms, but only one long-term wisdom.

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