Principles II

Chauncey C. Riddle

We begin this hour with the principle of justice. Justice is the principle that righteousness demands regress for wrong. That is to say, if someone is injured, there must be a restoration or some other kind of satisfaction to restore them to the original condition. Justice is simply that every wronged must be righted.

Every time we sin, that is to say we break a commandment of God, somebody is hurt. Somebody’s blessings are shorted. And justice demands that the blessing be made up to that person. They are entitled to their heritage, their due. The heritage of every child of God is to be blessed and loved. Any child of God that is not blessed and loved, somebody is going to have to make up to it for. So, justice is a thing that we try to achieve. Being one of omission or commission it matters not. If one has not received his due then justice is not obtained, it has not been met.

But for God, righteousness must be maintained. Therefore God must be just. He himself is just, he showers love and goodness upon his children without exception. He does nothing except it be for the benefit of his children. He is absolutely just. He never sins, that is to say, he never shortens anyone’s blessings. You and I do sin and shorten other people’s blessings. And so then he insists that being just, that we must become just also. That we must do something to satisfy that shortening that we have made. So, if we come to him, then he will teach us of righteousness. So that in the future we can be just.

The word just means right, or doing what’s right, having one’s rights. A court of justice is where you go to get your rights. And if things go well, hopefully you’re better than before you started. So, real righteousness, or in other words, real justice is only of God. Because justice is a result of faith in Christ. It is a part of righteousness and righteousness only comes though Christ.

So, therefore a servant of Christ always pays his debts. Be they of time, money, covenant, or promise. He does not ask for release from debt but makes whatever sacrifices necessary to clear his promise or his obligation. Which also clears his own name, which also clears the name of his master, Jesus Christ.

If we’re covenant servants of Christ, we’re not just being unjust in our own right, we’re causing him to be unjust. Just as the father is responsible for the acts of his children, we cause the Savior to become unjust, in a sense. We cause his name to become ill spoken of, if we are unrighteous or unjust. So, if we love him, we will not wish to besmirch his name. We will wish to show, he is a God of justice and righteousness and love and truth. And do everything in our power, to make every sacrifice that is necessary to bring about justice. We will make whatever recompense or restitution is necessary if we have been unjust.

The terrestrial standard is, that if you have been unjust and wronged someone, you make it up to them by paying every last farthing for what we’ve owed them. The celestial standard, the gospel standard is, if you’ve wronged somebody and been unjust to them, you pay four-fold. You show your love for them and your sorrow for having wounded them, shortened them, by making up to them four times. I think that’s also a help not to be unjust in the future. So, to know exactly what is just is beyond human wisdom and the ability to satisfy past injustices is beyond human wisdom.

But in Christ all good things are possible. Thus, it is that the just live by faith. This was Martin Luther’s take off point in Romans, the just live by faith. And it’s true, the just do live by faith. Justice is of faith in Christ. There is a worldly justice, that worldly justice is the justice of man as judged by human reason, which is the counterfeit of divine justice. The counterfeit of Godly justice is the justice of man administered by human reason. This sometimes is an approximation of justice and sometimes is not justice at all. But until we’re willing to have God be our judge we must suffer counterfeit justice in our midst. Don’t mistake me, there are some people engaged in the justice business in our society and our civilization who our servants of Christ and they are prayerful and careful and faithful in their administration of justice. And their justice is real justice. But those who depend on their own human reason administer a counterfeit justice.

Mercy next. Mercy is the companion principle to justice in the gospel. Whereas the just man is always careful to pay his own debts, if he has been unjust. He stands ready to extend mercy to all. Mercy is to satisfy the debt of justice for someone else. Now, I can’t extend mercy to someone unless they have been unjust to me. So, someone has shortened me or has hurt me. Then they have been unjust to me. It’s then my privilege to forgive them. Which means to say, to pay the debt myself. To pay the debt of justice for someone else when they have incurred the debt to me, is mercy.

So, if someone runs into my car and dents it good. And they can’t pay for it. If they can pay for it, then I’m exacting justice, if I get them to. But if I say, I will pay for it, that is mercy. I’m paying the debt for them. Now, in the Father’s system the dent has to be fixed. Justice must be satisfied. But He’s content if I will fix it or the other person fixes it. He doesn’t mind, just that justice has to be satisfied. But he’s very pleased if I will satisfy it myself and not hold my neighbor to it.

Now if my neighbor is a servant of God, he will not accept that mercy. He will insist on paying it himself, if he can. That is to say, servants of God are grateful to have mercy but they try to be just nevertheless. Whereas, people of the world always want mercy. That is to say, they want to be forgiven of their debts. But that’s not the way of a man of God, a man of God wants to pay his debts. No matter how long it takes him or whatever costs, if he has a honest just debt, he wants to pay it.

So, justice must to be satisfied but mercy needs to be there, if one is a servant of God and can extend mercy. Help us to forgive those who trespass against us, the Savior taught us to pray. But we, despairingly need the mercy of God. There’s no way we can satisfy the debt of justice for our sins. And therefore, if we’re ever to be clean, ever to be just, ever to see the Celestial Kingdom, we have to get forgiveness through the Savior’s satisfaction of justice.

He extended mercy to us through the atonement, through his Godship over the world, the universe. You and I, therefore, need that justice. But the only way we can qualify for that justice, is to forgive all men every trespass against us. Now that’s a tall order. That means we turn the other cheek every time. Some people say to me, you mean we’re supposed to lie down and be a door mat? And the answer is, yes. If you’re a servant of Christ you do not seek restitution. You may get it but it will because the other person wants to give it. You will not seek it, you will not demand it, you will not force it. Why? Because you have a God in heaven who can and will recompense to you a hundred fold. And he has promised you, if you lose anything for keeping his commandments that he will restore to you a hundred fold. Now you get your choice. Would you rather have the one fold restitution or would you have a hundred fold. If you’re smart I think you would take the hundred fold, which means you forgive all men their trespasses against you and depend on God for your blessings.

Now, if there were no God I guess this would be a different matter, wouldn’t it? But there is a God in heaven. I know that and I think you know that. And not to depend on him, not to trust him and suppose that we have to go out and feather our own nest by getting people to fix our fenders, so they won’t be dented, that’s not faith in Christ. Now there’s the one exception. In some situations the extending of Godly mercy by a just person is not automatic. For the Lord will council otherwise sometimes. In some situations he will instruct us to go to the person and request that they make the wrong right. Not force, not take them to a court of law. The scripture is very plain. To go to a court of law to exact justice of our neighbor is not God’s will. And my guess is that ninety-nine percent of the time we do that as Latter-day Saints, we’re sinning. I don’t know what the percentage is, don’t take that figure seriously.

But, he’s plain, he does not want us to settle our debts through the courts of law of the land. Now, he will have us go to the person and humbly request that they make it up if they have wronged us. If they’ve dented our fender, we go to them and request that they fix it. Now, if they say, fooey on you and won’t hear us. Then we go back and take a friend with us. And we ask them humbly again, won’t you please fix that fender? Now in the presence of ourselves and a witness he gets a chance to either accept it and fix it or refuse. If he refuses we have a witness and we and the witness go to the bishop of the church and lay the matter before the bishop.

Now, who would this be? This is only if this brother is a brother in Christ. If they are a covenant servant of Jesus Christ we take these three steps. Why? Not so we will get the fender fixed. We don’t care whether the fender gets fixed by them or not. What do we care about? We care about them as a brother and if they will not fix the fender they have abrogated their covenant with Christ. So the hope is, that we will be able to keep them as a brother in Christ. If they won’t fix it, even though we have talked to them and gone to them with a witness and the bishop has talked to them. What do we do then? The scripture says, that we no longer count them as a brother in Christ. They have broken their covenants, they have released themselves from his service. We have no obligation any more to treat them as a brother. The scripture says, we treat them as a heathen and a publican. In other words, we extend mercy to them and don’t ask them for justice anymore. We forgive them, we still don’t go to a court of law, and demand justice. We just forgive them. Because we didn’t care about the fender in the first place. What we cared about was their soul. So mercy must work hand in hand with justice, lest we find ourselves on the wrong side of the matter.

Godly mercy is to be willing to forgive all men all trespasses. And actually to forgive all those except where the Lord specifically commands otherwise. Thus, to be merciful as to be just must be an act of faith in Christ, to be Godly mercy. The counterfeit of Godly mercy is to forgive at our own pleasure. You might wish to read the passage in Matthew 18:15-17 where he instructs us in that matter.

Next consecration.

Consecration is the principle of using all that we have and are in the service of our master. In him we live and move and have our being. To him we our indebted for all that we have. He gives us our body, our strengths, our mortality, our health, our wealth, our time, our power to beget children, everything we have he gives to us. To use all of these correctly, to be righteous, just and merciful in just the right way with all of these things is beyond our ability. Therefore, we who are servants of Christ enter into a covenant with him. To use all these things according to his instruction, as he gives us instruction in our own personal revelation. That revelation can come in various forms. It can come as we are listening to our bishop, as we are listening to our father, as we are listening to our Stake President, as we are listening to one of the Prophets, to President Benson. As we are praying, as we are reading the scriptures. It can come in any of those situations. But the thing that is common to all of those is that it comes by our own personal revelation.

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Principles I

Chauncey C. Riddle

I emphasize again, as I did yesterday, that what I am saying is my idea. I have tried to study and put together the gospel in my mind. In preparing these lectures this year I’ve learned some things I’ve never thought before. So I have to apologize for some things I’ve said in the past. I hope each of you will take what I say with a grain of salt, test it for yourself. But we’re engaged in a wonderful enterprise, that of discerning the mind and will of our God. That I think is the most important thing we need to do, because that is the key to every other good thing. Let’s now turn to the principles of the gospel and talk about them.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of salvation sent to the natural man. The central principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All other principle are facets or appendages of this faith. That is to say, anything else you can mention is somehow an aspect of faith in Jesus Christ. That is to say, every other good thing. This principle is sometimes called the law of the gospel, singular.

We talk about laws sometimes, but when we speak of laws usually we’re speaking on a terrestrial level. When we’re talking about the pure celestial law it is singular, there’s only one law. That law is to put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Without living by this principle, it is impossible to please God. Whatsoever is not of this principle, that is to say, whatever act, whatever we do that is not an act of faith in Christ is sin.

This faith is the unique access to righteousness in this world. Jesus Christ is the fountain of all righteousness. We must go to that fountain and drink of the waters of life to have any access to righteousness. So, to have faith in Christ, is first to hear him. Faith comes by hearing of the word. Until we receive a message from him and this means a personal revelation. Now the message may be occasioned by the words of a human being or by the print in a book or by some other occasion but the message itself always comes by spiritual means as revealed through the power of the Holy Ghost.

So, the first thing that we must do, the prerequisite, the thing that makes faith possible is to first hear his voice.

Secondly we must love and believe him. It’s possible to hear and obey without being faithful. The devils do that but they don’t love and believe him. They obey because they know they have to. So the thing that makes the difference between mere obedience and faith is that we love him who gives us this righteousness and we believe him, we believe what he says.

Then thirdly we obey him. Now when this is done with our hearts, that is to say when we our faithful with our hearts we love him. When we love him with our mind, when we are faithful with our mind we believe him. When we our faithful with our body, our strength, then we obey him. When we’re faithful with our might, that is to say all that we own and control, that is consecration. Faith is not whole and perfect until it is a love of God a love of Christ in particular with all of one’s heart, might, mind, and strength. As I see it then, the first great commandment and the law of the gospel are identical. They are the same thing said in different words in different ways. And they tie together beautifully, they map one another.

So we must hear him to know what he wants us to do. We must believe that his instruction is life and righteousness in order to support him fully. We must love him in order to have the motivation, the willpower to overcome selfishness and to make the sacrifices necessary to be faithful. We must obey to bring to pass his will on earth, even as the Father’s will is done in heaven. The opposite of this faith is selfishness which is a synonym for sin. And for one who knows what he is doing selfishness and faithlessness are also insanity. That is to say, a person who is unfaithful knowing the possibilities of faith in Christ really doesn’t have all his marbles.

Now I say that advisedly, recognizing, I suppose I may include you with me when I say I know I have been deliberately unfaithful and I look back and I see in my own life that is insanity. It’s crazy not to be faithful to the Savior. Sometimes we think that making sacrifices are going to hurt us so terribly that we’ll never recover. But we serve a good master and the sacrifices we make merely reap down to greater blessings on our head. We have a hard time sacrificing, because when we sacrifice our blessings are doubled than when we started with, in the long run. The short run, the short run is the test of our faith. And we must be willing to make the sacrifices to show that we love him.

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Religion and Politics

Dr. Chauncey Riddle

The widespread approval in our times of a separation of church and state has led many persons into the dangerous error of supposing that politics and religion must be similarly separated. It is a matter of simple reflection to see that though the formal institutions of society, church and state, may be and ought in most cases to be strictly separate, it is impossible thus to dichotomize thinking about how people ought to relate to one another. Both politics and religion are concerned, in both theory and practice, with the same object: social relations. Unless a man is double-minded or two-faced, his politics is his religion and his religion is the basis of his politics.

The focus of almost every political system known to man has been the problem of how to organize, regulate and perpetuate a society without the direct assistance of God. It is noteworthy that no proposed political system has long endured in this practicing atheism. The lesson of history is that social systems not directed by the true and living God always fail to achieve happiness for the individual and to perpetuate themselves in peace and stability. The major untried social hypothesis of our times is that the individual and the society prosper only when Jesus Christ is the center and governor of all things. The real question in all political discussions is, then: Is a given system under the Christ or is it against the Christ?

We are placed on this earth to work and the will give us a living…It is our duty to strive to till the earth, Subdue matter, conquer the globe, take care of the flocks and the herds. It is the government’s duty to see that you are protected in it, and no other man has the right to deprive you of any of your privilege. But it is no the government’s duty to support you.

I shall raise my voice as long as God gives me sound or ability, against the communistic idea that the government will take care of us all, and that everything belongs to the government…

It is wrong! We wonder, in trying to perpetuate that idea, that men become anti-Christ, because those teachings strike directly at the doctrine of the Savior.

No government owes you a living. You get it yourself by your own acts — never by trespassing upon the rights of your neighbor, never by cheating him. You put a blemish upon your character the moment you do. (President David O. McKay, Church News, 3/14/53)

Let us make no mistake: the true alternative to the present trend of atheistic socialism is not to substitute a “conservative” atheism. The true alternative is to return to the form of constitutional government established by the founding fathers, a theism acknowledged by both them and God, then within the freedom thus mad possible to establish fully the Kingdom of God as a voluntary association of servants of Jesus Christ.

If our religion does not soon affect the politics of more people in this nation, but more especially the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the present possibility of the full establishment of a kingdom ready for Christ may become an impossibility. A wise servant will do all in his power to promote both the kingdom of Christ and the free nation that makes it possible for Zion to be a beacon of hope to the people of every nation, kindred, tongue and people.

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New Names and the New Covenant

Chauncey C. Riddle

I ask for an interest in your faith and prayers. I tremble a little bit because as I say things it’s impossible to say everything and I find I miss saying important things. For instance, in relation to forgiving: somebody just brought to my attention that I didn’t say they have to trespass against us personally before we can extend mercy to them. I can’t be merciful to somebody when they trespass against you. Oh I can help in a way. If they defraud you l can pay you, the defrauded and in a sense I can help you. But that isn’t really mercy. The Savior can do that because he is perfect, he has no sins of his own. So the important place we apply mercy is when people trespass against us, and then we forgive them.

Well, let’s reconstruct the total picture of what we’re trying to do here. I’m trying to talk about the great law, which is to love the Lord our God, who is Jesus Christ, with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. I equate that with faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ is simply to love him with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. And everything in the gospel; all the principles, all the laws, all the ordinances are designed to focus into that point, to bring us to full faith in Jesus Christ.

Now there are two main stems or aspects that comprise faith in Jesus Christ, as I understand it. One is repentance. The other is service. Repentance is getting our lives in order. It is rebuilding our character and our nature. Through obedience, through sacrifice, through consecration so that we can then learn to be just and merciful. In other words to love purely. So that when we go to serve we will be serving in the pure love of Christ. We are not doing our will. We’re not shedding forth our light. We are showing forth his light and truth in all that we do. Then repentance makes us a conduit. A perfected conduit for the light of Christ. Then as we go forth to serve, that is to say to love our neighbor, as Christ loves us, then we are simply reflecting his light that he loves us with, through ourselves to our neighbor, that their life might be blessed by Jesus Christ even as we are blessed by Jesus Christ.

And we have talked about blessing others, which is service in the stewardship that we have, and how the priesthood is the thing that enables us to fulfill those stewardships, when they are stewardships over people. Today our discussion concerns the New and Everlasting Covenant.  It is the New and Everlasting Covenant that puts all of repentance together. The things we have been talking about are not things we can do by our own will. What we do is choose to reflect the light and truth of Jesus Christ perfectly out into the world. To love our neighbor as Christ loves us. We can want to do that but we have  no power to do that on our own even if we understand it and choose it. We have to be empowered and the empowering comes in the New and Everlasting Covenant. That empowering is part of salvation.

Salvation comes through power. To as many as believe in him, Jesus Christ gives the power to become his sons and daughters. And his sons and daughters are his jewels. His jewels are the ones that are perfected and polished and reflect his light. Without changing it, without loss, they simply reflect his light becoming selfless as he is. He reflects the Father’s light. And if we reflect his light then we will be passing on that which is perfect and godly and good.

And so today I would like to review the New and Everlasting Covenant as the vehicle by which we accomplish all of these things. Let’s review the old covenant first just by way of background. In the council in heaven the first covenant was announced.

“We will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.” Abr. 3:25

Now that’s the first covenant. That’s the law of justice or the covenant of justice.

“They who keep their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate (be added upon.)” That is to say they will have the chance to go to the second estate. “They who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their second estate. And they who keep their second estate”, that is to say, who do everything they’re told without fail in their mortal probation, “shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever.” Abr. 3:26

But as we have pointed out, none of us keeps that first covenant . We all break it, except Jesus Christ. He claimed his blessings through that covenant. And of course, if no one had claimed blessing through that covenant there would be no one to be a Savior. And thus the New and Everlasting Covenant or the second covenant could not even exist. And so there is another covenant which comes in the mercy and grace of God. We read a little bit about this in Moses, Chapter 6. This is Enoch speaking to the people, he said that, “because Adam fell we are. By his fall came death,” spiritual death. “We are made partakers of misery and woe.” That partaking of misery and woe was necessary. And also necessary was that we understand the evil, the misery, and the woe. Because without understanding that we would not have the freedom to choose the good. The fall brought to us the knowledge of good and evil.

Under the first covenant, if we had chosen the good unerringly all during our lives we would satisfy the covenant. But we don’t do that so there has to be a way that we can still be saved after having chosen evil.

“Satan hath come among the children of men, and tempteth them to worship him; and men have become carnal, sensual, and devilish, they are shut out from the presence of God.”

Moses 6:49

And only by one of these covenants can we ever come back to the presence of God.

“But God hath made known unto our fathers that all men must repent. And he called upon our father Adam by his own voice saying: I am God; I made the world and men before they were in the flesh. And he said unto him: If thou wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, and believe and repent of all thy transgressions”, of having chosen evil, “and be baptized, even in water, in the name of my Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth, which is Jesus Christ, the only name which shall be given under heaven, whereby salvation shall come unto the children of men, ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, ask in all things In his name, and whatsoever ye shall ask, it shall be given you.”  Moses 6: 50-52

The main thing that we need to ask for is for the ability to stop choosing evil and start choosing only the good. Because the second law requires of us in the end to do what the first law requires. What the first covenant requires is to choose good without fail, without erring. But we get to err  under the second law, that is to say it is possible for us to have sinned and then learn to obey God in all things and still be saved because of the Savior’s atonement.

“And our father Adam spoke unto the Lord, and said: , why is it that man must repent and be baptized in water? And the Lord said unto Adam: Behold I have forgiven thee thy transgression in the Garden of Eden. Hence came the saying abroad among the people. that the Son of God hath atoned for original guilt, wherein the sins of the parents cannot be answered upon the heads of the children … And the Lord spake unto Adam, saying: Inasmuch as thy children are conceived in sin”, that is to say they are conceived into a sinful situation, “even so when they begin to grow up, sin conceiveth in their hearts, and they taste the bitter that they may know to prize the good. And it is given unto them to know good from evil.”  Moses 6: 53-55

No human being comes into this world and is of normal mentality except he has full command of good and evil. He may not know the gospel of Jesus Christ but he knows good and evil. He knows good by the light of Christ, and evil by the temptations of Satan. And thus each man is an agent unto himself …

“. . . and I have given you another law and commandment.” Moses 6: 56

And this other law is the New and Everlasting Covenant. This marvelous, wonderful gift of mercy from God whereby we may repent and learn to serve, that is to say, to choose good without sinning, without erring, and thus be established in an eternal path of righteousness.

“. . . all men everywhere must repent, or they can in no wise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there.”  Moses 6:57

There has to be a way to get clean.

“For in the language of Adam, Man of Holiness is his name, and the name of his Only Begotten is the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge, who shall come in the meridian of time. . teach these things freely to your children saying: that by reason of transgression cometh the fall , which fall bringeth death, and inasmuch as ye were born Into the world by water, and blood and the spirit, which I have made, and so become of dust a living soul, even so ye must be born again”, spiritual “into the kingdom of heaven, of water and of the Spirit and be cleansed by blood. even the blood of mine Only Begotten; that ye might be sanctified from all sin, and enjoy the words of eternal life in this world, and eternal life In the world to come, even Immortal glory; For by the water ye keep the commandment”, the commandment to repent and be baptized, “by the Spirit ye are justified”, you are taught to be just and righteous. In other words to be both just and merciful. “And by the blood ye are sanctified.”  Moses 6:57-60

The blood of Christ enables us to work out our salvation so that our sins are all made up for by Christ. The suffering and the sacrifice are taken care of so that our record can stand as if we had never sinned, though we have. But the Savior acts as our buffer, our advocate, our Savior in that he saves us from the eternal consequences of those sins.

Now, let’s review the parts of the new and everlasting covenant. First we are called upon to repent and be baptized. To repent is to turn our hearts to Jesus Christ, to declare ourselves against evil and for good, and to recognize in Christ the only hope we have for achieving good and relinquishing all evil. And so we choose to make the covenant with him.  And the covenant of baptism is first of all that we will take upon ourselves his name. Secondly, that we will keep every commandment that he gives us. And thirdly, that we will always remember him. He tells us that always remembering him is the key to always having his spirit to be with us. And having his spirit to be with us brings us the knowledge and the power to choose only good, and thus to be worthy of our Father who himself has chosen only good, and is the epitome himself of all goodness.

If we make that covenant honestly and honorably, then hands are laid upon our head and we are given the right to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And that is the pearl of great price as I understand it. Because without that we cannot fulfill the righteousness of Christ. That is what teaches us and empowers us with righteousness or justice. By the spirit we are justified. The Holy Ghost becomes our personal tutor to lift our minds to the vision of what it means to be perfect in Christ, to be just, to be kindly, to love with perfect love and thus to serve in the manner in which Christ serves. And so we receive the Holy Ghost.

If we then obey the instruction (the commandments) we are given to receive the Holy Ghost, and we receive it into our lives and we treasure him as our constant companion by yielding to him constantly, yielding to those enticings of the Holy Spirit, which entice us constantly to righteousness.  We can only do that by softening our hearts and letting ourselves be led as a little child in the way of Christ. After learning to follow the Holy Ghost, then comes the time where there is another new and everlasting covenant, another part of this whole covenant. Which is to receive the priesthood of God.

Now we are beginning to go into the service of others using thew power of God. The Aaronic priesthood, of course is a temporary priesthood, a temporal priesthood. It is receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood that is the really significant event. But both are important. As we receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, we enter into the oath and covenant of the priesthood. The oath and the covenant of the priesthood are part of this empowering. We make certain promises to the Lord.  He makes the oath, we make the covenant. We are not  to make oaths, because until we’re perfect we can’t guarantee that we will fulfill the oaths. But we can covenant, we can make promises to do the best we can to obey as we are told. So we covenant that we will use this priesthood to bless others as our Father directs us. He promises us if we will use this priesthood to bless and go on to receive the fullness of this priesthood then we will receive from him all that he has. We will share all that Christ has been given. Let’s read some of the words of  Section 84 of the Doctrine and Covenants. The whole first part of this section is a description of the oath and covenant of the priesthood.  Verse 20,

“Therefore in the ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ the power of godliness is manifest.”

This is the purpose of the ordinances which constitute the New and Everlasting Covenant is to deliver to us the power of godliness. Which is simply the power to be good. God is good, that’s what the word “God” means. And the power of godliness is the power to be good without error, fully good, wholly good.

“. . . without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh; For without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live.”

We can’t become good enough to stand in the presence of the Father and enjoy his eternal presence except through Jesus Christ who cleanses us from doing evil through repentance and from the consequences of having done evil through the Atonement.

“Now this Moses plainly taught to the children of Israel in the wilderness. and he sought diligently to sanctify his people that they might behold the face of God”

Sanctification has to do with our sins. Until our debts of justice, where we have sinned, are made up, he can’t stand us in is presence. He can’t stand anyone who has hurt someone else and doesn’t care. If we care there is a way to make up for it, to get the persons we have offended compensated and the record clean. That way is through Christ. But if we don’t care enough to make sure that everybody whom we’ve hurt is recompensed through Christ, then we don’t belong in his presence. The children of Israel in the wilderness hardened their hearts and they could not endure his presence. In other words they said, “The way is to straight for us. We still want to choose evil.There are some things that we desire to do that are not good.”  The Lord in his wrath (for his anger was kindled against them) swore that they should not enter into his rest. Which is his presence:

“Therefore, the Lord in his wrath. for his anger was kindled against them, swore that they should no enter into his rest while in the wilderness, which rest is the fullness of his glory. Therefore, he took Moses out of their mist and the holy priesthood also;” D&C 84:24-25

That is to say, he took from them the Melchizedek Priesthood. “The lesser priesthood continued”, with them “which priesthood holdeth the keys of the ministering of angels and the preparatory gospel.” D&C 84:26  This that they never-the-less might have some portion of good and righteousness that would help them to be prepared to receive the fullness again when the time was right. So the lesser power continued with them until John the Baptist:

“Which gospel is the gospel of repentance and of baptism and the remission of sins, and the law of carnal commandments, which the Lord in his wrath caused to continue with the house of Aaron among the children of Israel until John, who God raised up being filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb. For he was baptized while he was yet In his childhood and was ordained by the angel of God at the time he was eight days old unto this power, to overthrow the kingdom of the Jews”. D&C 84:27

To do good by the power of the Aaronic Priesthood is a preparation for doing greater good through the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood.  Having received the priesthood, it is then necessary for the recipients to make an acceptable offering unto the Lord through the powers of that priesthood:

“Therefore as I said concerning the sons of Moses, for the sons of Moses and also the sons of Aaron shall offer an acceptable offering unto that sacrifice in the house of the Lord, which house shall be built unto the Lord in this generation upon the consecrated spot as I have appointed. And the sons of Moses and of Aaron shall be filled with the glory of the Lord, upon mount Zion in the Lord’s house, whose sons are ye; and also many whom I have called and sent forth to build up my church. For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining of these two priesthoods of which I have spoken and the magnifying their calling are sanctified by the spirit unto the renewing of their bodies.”

D&C 84: 31-33

They are made holy by obedience to the Holy Spirit. And:

“They become the sons of Moses and of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and the church and kingdom, and elect of God. And also all they who receive this priesthood receive me saith the Lord; For he that receiveth my servants receiveth me; And he that receiveth me receiveth my Father; And he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father’s kingdom; Therefore all that my Father hath shall be given him. And this is according to the oath and covenant which belongeth to the priesthood. Therefore, all those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved. But whoso breaketh this covenant after he hath received it, and altogether turneth therefrom shall not have forgiveness of sins in this world nor in the world to come.” D&C 84: 34-41

Those who turn away altogether are, of course,  the sons of perdition.

And I now give you a commandment, to beware concerning yourselves, to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life. For ye shall live by every word that proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God. For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the spirit of Jesus Christ. And the spirit giveth light to every man that cometh Into the world; and the spirit enlighteth every man through the world that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit. And everyone that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit cometh unto God. Even the Father. And the Father teacheth him of the covenant which he has renewed and confirmed upon you, which is confirmed upon you for your sakes, and not for your sakes only, but for the sake of the whole world.”  D&C 84: 43-48

If all we needed to do was to be saved ourselves, of course we would just need to repent, in a sense. But repentance involves the service. We can’t fully repent and we can’t fully have faith in Christ without turning and helping the rest of the world be saved also.

“And the whole world lieth in sin and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sin.” D&C 84:49

And thus it is our mission, if we want to be saved, is to help save others, to love our neighbor and to share with them the opportunity of salvation, even as the Savior has loved us and has given us the opportunity to be saved.

Now we need to talk about names. Why these interesting names? The sons of Moses and of Aaron, the seed of Abraham, the house of Israel, the priesthood of Melchizedek. Now, we are given a key in the Doctrine and Covenants. We know the true name of the Melchizedek priesthood is not “the Melchizedek Priesthood.” We know the true name of the priesthood is “The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God.” In other words, it is the priesthood of Jesus Christ. But it was given the name Melchizedek because Melchizedek was a great High priest in ancient times and used that priesthood so effectively (more effectively than anyone in the ancient world) to serve his fellow men and to bring them to Christ, that they too might be saved. That’s the purpose of the priesthood.

Now let’s look at the name Melchizedek. `Melki‘ means “king of,” `Zedek‘ means righteousness. The name means “king of righteousness.” Now why was the name Melchizedek given to the priesthood of God? Let me give you my interpretation. Please do not believe this unless you have better evidence than my evidence. But may I give you this as a hypothesis. My understanding is that Melchizedek is another of the names of Christ. He is the king of righteousness, there is no other king of righteousness. He is the sole fountain of righteousness on this earth. And if any person seeks to have righteousness they must come unto Jesus Christ and make their personal peace with him. He is the keeper of the gate of righteousness. He employs no servant there. And if we wish to have it we must deal with him. How did it happen that Melchizedek the man got that name? Well my guess is, that what the Savior is pleased to do is to put his own names upon his faithful servants. And thus everybody who comes to Christ is likely to get a new name. And the new name will be one of Christ’s names. I believe that “Melchizedek” is one of the names of Christ.

For instance, there was a man named Abram and when he became faithful he received a new name. What’s his new name? Abraham. What does Abraham mean? The AB is pronounced av in Hebrew. Av means Father. Ra means many. Am means people. Father of many people, father of many children. Who is the real father of all these children. The real father is the Savior. He’s the one who’s the father. He’s the creator of every human being on earth. Not the spirit body but the physical tabernacle. And he’s the one that enables each one to be reborn to righteousness. I think Abraham is one of the Son’s names, one of the Savior’s names. What was the first thing we promised in taking the new and everlasting covenant? To take upon ourselves the name of Christ. How many names does he have? At least four hundred that we have in the scriptures. And I suspect that when we get it all figured out that there will be a lot more than that.

Now, what are we to do? Christ’s purpose is to share everything he has with us. And as we acquire the attributes and blessings that he has acquired for our selves, we progressively take upon ourselves his name. Or we might say, his names, as we become like Him.

About three years ago Elder Dallin Oaks gave a talk in conference. He talked about the sacrament and what we promise to do there. At first I couldn’t understand what he was saying. But as I studied this material out it finally dawned on me what he was saying. I commend that talk to you. Go back and read it. You’ll find it to be very instructive, very enlightening. It pointed me to this understanding of taking upon us the name of Christ.     Let’s look at some of the other names. The name Enoch, means initiated or begun. What do we associate Enoch with? I associate him with law of consecration. When we get established or initiated or have begun in that law, we are taking upon ourselves the name Enoch. I understand the name Enoch to be a name of Jesus Christ which he gave to his faithful servant Enoch.

Consider the name David,  and the throne of David. The throne of David is Christ’s throne. It speaks in the scriptures of David in the last days and my understanding that means our Savior. The word `David’ means “loving.” He is the God of love. And his throne is the throne of grace and love. If you and I ever hope to fulfill the full love of Jesus Christ we will perhaps want to enjoy the throne of David. The throne of David is a place of service to others, where the welfare of others is put ahead of our own. Now true, the man King David had some problems. But the word David is still a good name.

The word `Moses’. What does the word `Moses’ mean? Who are the `sons of Moses?’ The word `Moses’ in the Egyptian means simply “the son.” Son, who is the son? We know who the son is. The word Moses is simply one of the Savior’s designations. The Hebrew meaning for Mosha, which is the Hebrew equivalent for the Egyptian Moses, means “rescued”. And we can see why that would be. He was rescued from the bulrushes. But there’s a little twist to that in the Egyptian. The name `Isaiah,’ “God has saved.” The name `Israel,’ “he will rule as God.” If you know what the blessings of Israel are and you hope to share them, when you rule as God you will take upon yourself the name Israel. That means you will rule under Christ, who is, as I understand it, the real Israel. And a man named Jacob was given that name as his new name because it was the name of his father Jesus Christ. Think about it and pray about it. If you have a new name you might wonder what it means. You might want to find out. Because I think you will find out that somehow it represents the Savior to you. And it’s something he would like you either to become or to be which he has rewarded you with already, in your path to perfection.

Let us now turn to Section 132 and read a few words about the New and Everlasting Covenant. Verse 2:

“Behold, and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as touching this matter.”

The matter of course is many wives and concubines. But many of these comments apply to the whole of the new and everlasting covenant. Therefore are pertinent to us.

“Prepare thy heart to receive and obey the instructions which I am about to give unto you; for all those who have this law revealed to them must obey the same.” D&C 132:3

In other words. it’s better not have known the Lord than to know him and then defy him.

“For behold I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant and if ye abide not that covenant, then ye are damned.”  D&C 132:4

You’re stopped in your progress.

“For no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory.” D&C 132:4

There is no other way.

“For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing and the conditions thereof, as were instituted from, before the foundation of the world.” D&C 132:5

We need to quote another scripture here in this connection.

“There is a law upon which all blessings are predicated and when we receive any blessing it is by obedience to that law …” D&C  130:20

I understand this scripture to say that there is one law upon which all blessings are predicated. Not many laws, but only one law by which to receive blessing from God . When you talk about celestial things, it is the law of the gospel, not the laws of the gospel. Now, what’s that one law? The one law, as I understand it, is faith in Jesus Christ. Which translated in other words means to love Jesus Christ who is the Lord our God, with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. Now, if we receive any blessing we get it only through that law by coming to full faith in Christ. Which means to partake of the fullness of the new and everlasting covenant. Because only in that covenant is there power to become fully just and merciful, to come to that fullness of love which is Christ, in which we are trying to emulate him. And these conditions were pointed and instituted from before the foundations of the world.

“And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was instituted for the fullness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fullness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned.”

Everyone who is not exalted is damned. We have our choice, no one is exalted except they want it and want it enough to give up all their sins and become a little child In the hands of Christ and do all things that he would have them do, to live by every word that proceeds forth out of his mouth.

“Verily I say unto you, the conditions of this law are these: all covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, expectations …” D&C 132:7

Anything that is done in this world, that is not entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which comes in connection with the new and everlasting covenant.

“… of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity and that too most holy, by revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on earth to hold this power on the earth. And I have appointed my servant Joseph, to hold this power in the last days and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred.” D&C 132:7

Who has it today? President Ezra Taft Benson.

“Are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and alter the resurrection from the dead.” D&C 132:7

The new and everlasting covenant is the only power that goes through death and resurrection. In other words, it’s the only thing that makes anything everlasting or eternal, that’s why it’s called for one thing the new and everlasting covenant.

“All contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead. My house is a house of order saith the Lord and not a house of confusion. Will I accept of an offering, saith the Lord, that is not made in my name? Or will I receive at your hands that which I have not appointed? And will I appoint unto you accept by law? Even as I and my Father ordained you before the world was? I am the Lord thy God. I have given you this commandment, no man shall come unto the Father but by me or by my word, which is my law.”  D&C 132: 7-10

To have faith in Christ is to fulfill the law.

“Everything that is in the world, whether it be ordained of man or thrones, or principalities, or powers of things that whatsoever that they may be, that are not by me or by my word, saith the Lord shall be thrown down and not remain after men are dead. Nor in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord your God.” D&C 132:13

No marriage connection, no parent- child relationship, nothing of that will stand except it is confirmed, and hallowed, and made eternal, through the New and Everlasting Covenant.

“Whatsoever things are made are by me and whatsoever things are not by me shall be shaken and destroyed.” D&C 132:14

The thing that amazes me is how great a thing the Savior is trying to give to us. He’s trying to share with us all that he has, which is the power to govern and control and be a steward over the universe. And there’s nothing greater. But we must do it in his way, through covenant, through his power, under his Spirit, in his love and his mercy. So, we can’t say we haven’t been told.

Now, I rejoice with you in these things. This is marvelous, this is life. And to have an opportunity to know these things is the key to everything else. In heart, might, mind, and strength there is an order. The psychological order is mind, heart, strength, and might. That’s the order in which we must deal with things in the world. We first must understand them and then we must take them into our hearts and then we must reflect them in our bodies through our actions and that will then reflect any effect we have In the world. Now there are other orders given but that’s the order we have to do it. That’s the reason were talking about these things.

It’s important to remember that there are different kinds of minds. We’ll take just a little side trip here for just a minute and talk about the kinds of minds. There’s a mind or shall we say a person that corresponds to each of the four things: heart, might, mind, and strength. A person who’s center focus is the heart, I call a Hebrew. And Abraham Is the epitome of the Hebrew. He could not stand that anyone should suffer. He was willing to risk his own life to help others. The Savior, of course, is the same. He is the epitome of all good things. Abraham is a good example.He as a mortal human was born and raised out of the church. He found the gospel and so loved the Savior that he became known as “the friend of God.” Because he was all heart. He couldn’t stand that anyone should suffer and he wanted to help them whenever he could.

Now there is another kind of person, who is a mind person. The mind person glories in understanding and they want to figure everything out and know everything. Now that’s good except if you don’t have a heart. If you emphasis the mind and the figuring of it all out and you don’t have the heart to go and do it, the mind is relatively worthless. That’s what I call a Greek mind.

Now there’s the Trojan person. The Trojan person is one who thinks that the body is everything. They’re really interested in health. They really like the Word of Wisdom. They really emphasis that. They like the physical culture. They like things like Yoga, because it’s training the body, giving them power, strength. They like beauty, they like clothing, they glory in the trappings of the world. Considering a Trojan person, there’s nothing wrong with those things in their place. But if  you don’t have a good heart heart and a good mind to go with it, you don’t have very much.

And then there’s the Roman person who glories in might. They want power in this world above all else. They want to rule and reign. They want to get people to do what they want them to do. Sometimes, of course, they say they are doing it for the benefit of the people they’re reigning over. They are their brother’s keeper. And they’re going to make sure their brother is kept just the way he wants them kept.

Now I say this because as we talk about these things, there’s a danger. The danger is that we will slip into the Greek person, who is  ever learning, understanding the principles, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. And the knowledge of the truth is Jesus Christ. To know him is to be him, to be as he is. And if we learn all of these things and don’t do something it’ s a damnation to us. And I say it because I tend to be Greek and I know it.  I’ve got to be transformed into a Hebrew, to be like Abraham, to be like my Savior. Otherwise all of this is a waste.

May I say again in conclusion. Please don’t believe a word I’ve said. I’ve shared with you the best that my heart and mind can produce. But I am a man and I`m still struggling with my own salvation. And I would commend to you the true and living God who does hear and answers prayers, who will enlighten every single one of us on these things if we will just go to him and pray about them and try to implement them the best we can in our lives. And if we will do that, he is gracious, he is good, he will answer us. Revelation is the life blood of this kingdom. It is the rock on which we must stand, each one of us personally and individually. And if we do, then we will have no regrets. That’s wisdom.

We have five minutes for questions, it. you would like to ask a question.

(question) Why does it require a sinless person to atone for someone else’s sins?

Because it if they weren’t sinless they would have to atone for their own sins. (follow-up unheard) My understanding is no, that when we have sinned — I don’t know what else I can say, in other words I can’t explain it fully. But that’s a good question we should both ask. So let’s ask it and get the answer, because there are answers.

(question) The meaning of the name of Noah?

Noah means quiet, rest. And of course where is there rest but in the Lord. He is the prince of peace. He is the author of all real rest. His rest is the glory of his presence.

(question) Adam?

The word Adam means man.

(question) I know a lot of us feel so overwhelmed and so impressed by the things you say but are limited in our ability to catch all your thoughts. And I can’t find any books, is there anything available?  (Bro. Riddle hold up the scriptures) laughing she responds, I guess I was put in my place.

I didn’t mean to insult you but I simply hope you realize that anything written by an ordinary man is not scripture. That would be a strictly secondary source. These (the scriptures) are the only primary sources we have. I need to enlarge that just a little bit. What are primary sources? The primary sources of scripture that we have are: the words of the prophets, of which these are part. These written scriptures, these are the canonized scriptures. The un-canonized scriptures are the other words of the prophets. The most important single piece of written scripture that we have that I know anything about is the temple ceremony. And my guess is, that if we really want to understand the ways of the Lord, we will go to the temple and study that ceremony until we understand it backwards and forwards. It is the most complicated, most beautiful puzzle I have ever seen and the most worthwhile thing to figure out. And if you and I can figure out what every word means in that ceremony we will have the greatest treasure there is, I think. That is the jewel that we think of.  The canonized scripture is preliminary to the temple in what it’s trying to deliver to us. And there are things beyond that of course. For eye hath not seen nor ear heard that has entered into heart of man the good things that God has to give those that love him. So, we are rich, we have so much already, that if we will just take that which we have and concentrate on it. We don’t need all the commentaries in the world. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is go read a commentary on the scripture and get your mind lost by a half-truth which keeps you from seeing what’s really in the scriptures. So that’s why I say, please don’t believe what I say, because I’ve talked to enough people who have heard me to know that some of them have been blocked by some of the things I’ve said and I’m sorry. But I share in the sense that maybe something I have said will cause you to get on your knees and pray about something. And in that situation, that is where the real good comes, that’s where the real pure stuff comes to us, and on this revelation from God we can base our lives and our salvation.

(question) Sariah?

Sariah was named Sarah, I think it means “princess.” And that’s fitting because if truly we serve under our Father, the king, we are truly princes and princess. In other words we are apprentice kings and queens.

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The Second Coming

Dr. Chauncey C. Riddle

Brothers and sisters, as I approach this subject of the second coming of the Savior, I fully recognize the import.  I further recognize that I am not an authority on this subject.  I would wish that we could compare a few notes, a few ideas. I wish that you might accept from me a few hypotheses, that you not be constrained to believe the things that I say that are false, but that you would, of course, accept the things that I say that are true.  But I hope that we can have a meeting of the minds.  And to that end I ask an interest in your faith and prayers that what is said might be edifying this evening.

First of all, I would like to explicate the meaning of the term, “Second Coming.”  I think it very important to realize that the terms “First Coming” (though this isn’t used frequently) and the term “Second Coming” have a very special relationship to the concept of “world.”  The “world” in scriptural terms means “the wicked people who are on the face of the earth.”  Another way to say this is that these are the people who essentially receive their instructions from Satan.  They are children of the devil.  Not all of them are willing servants to the devil, but they nevertheless are under his power and therefore subject to him.

We know that the Savior has been on the earth from time to time from the beginning of time.  He was a personal acquaintance of our father Adam.  Every truly righteous man who has ever lived on the face of the earth has enjoyed the presence and the companionship of Jesus Christ.  Now I say this simply because of the promises made in the scriptures; that every person who will live the gospel of Jesus Christ fully will have this opportunity of the companionship.  Let me refer you simply to the words recorded by John in the 14th chapter as explained by the prophet Joseph Smith:

14. If ye love me, keep my commandments.

15. And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. 

16.  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (John 14: 15-18)

The Prophet Joseph Smith has explained that the Second Comforter is no more nor less than the personal presence of Jesus Christ to bless the life of a person who has shown that he loves the Lord; who has shown this by keeping the commandments.

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.  (John 14:21)

He goes on to explain that He and His Father will come and take up their abode with righteous people.  We know that individuals have received this from time to time.  Whole cities have received this blessing and opportunity.  The city and people of Enoch walked and talked with Jesus Christ and knew Him as a personal acquaintance.  And therefore when we talk about the “first coming” and the “second coming,” we are not talking about the Savior coming simply to men, we are talking about the relationship the Savior has to the world.  Notice that he said, “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive..”  The world does not receive the Savior as the Spirit of truth.  It did receive him as an impostor first of all.

The first coming, then, was the coming of the Lord to the world.  The Savior came into the world that he might be subject to the world.  Or, in other words, subject to evil men.  Or, in other words, subject to Satan to a degree.  Not that he would submit to the temptations Satan would put upon him; but that he would suffer and eventually would give his life.  He came into the world to be judged of the world.  And the world passed judgment upon him and condemned him to death.  He who was perfect, who committed no sin, whose life was one perfect record of shedding blessing and hope and help to mankind was condemned by the world to death.

The second coming of the Savior is the second coming to the world.  But as the first time, the Savior was judged of the world, now he comes to judge the world.  As he was put to death of the world, so this time he puts the world to death.  In other words, the second coming of the Savior is the end of the world.  Every person who is yet a servant of Satan when the Savior comes will be burned with consuming fire.  They will not be privileged to remain upon the earth.  Now this seems a little harsh in a way.  But it really isn’t when we stop to consider the fact that every person who is burned by this fire will have had the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ taught to him, will have had an opportunity to partake of the New and Everlasting Covenant of the Gospel; or, if he didn’t wish that, at least to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is good, that he is the God of this earth.  All persons who steadfastly reject this leadership in any degree, who persist in murdering and killing and robbing, lying, and whoremongering; who persist in bringing evil into the world under the influence of Satan; who will not change their ways even in the face of the testimony of the Holy Spirit–these are the people who will be swept off the earth.  And this, in a sense, is not an evil thing.  It is the kindness of the Lord, for they are given a chance to go to a place where they may pay for their sins, that they may come forth at a future time and receive glory at his hand.

All things that the Lord does, as I understand it, are for the benefit of man.  And if we can look upon it this way: he thrust no one down to hell except somehow they shall benefit from it, you might say.  We might think of exceptions to that.  But I think the general rule would certainly stand.

So the second coming of the Savior, then, is the second coming of the Savior to the world.  Now, of course, this definition does away with certain problems.  Some people wonder if the coming to Adam-ondi-Ahman is the second coming.  Or the coming in the temple is the second coming.  As I would understand it clearly these are not the second coming.  These are simply part of the many manifestations of the Lord to his children.  He comes to those who are his children and blesses them.  But they are not  the world.  The second coming will be a coming in power and glory with all the holy angels with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Every eye shall see, every person on the earth shall know.  There will be no denying that Jesus Christ has come when he comes in his second coming.  He will not come in the desert or in the secret places.  He will come very publicly.  As the Savior explained to his disciples, as the morning comes out of the east when the sun comes up, its very difficult to suppose that anybody could not perceive this happening, a person who has eyes.  So will this coming of the Son of Man be.  It will be as the sun coming up in the morning.  It will be that plain to everyone upon the earth.  So the Savior will come to finish his work; to put the world to an end,  that he might then institute a peaceful millennial reign–a time of happiness, a time of rejoicing, a time of rest when those of the earth who will receive Jesus Christ will begin to receive the fruits of their labors in fullness, to enjoy happiness and peace which they have so longed for.

Now let’s talk about the conditions which will precede the second coming of the Savior.  There are a number of approaches that could be made to this subject.  In casting about for the proper approach to make, or at least the approach I thought I would make, I decided not to pursue a specific prophecy of the events that precede the second coming.  I think you will find this fairly well taken care of in many places.  I don’t think you want to believe everything you read.  But on the other hand, there is fairly ready access to much of this information.  To my mind the thing that is more important to me even than the chronology of the events is to understand rather clearly the type of problems that we’re going to be faced with between now and then.  It is my own personal expectation that the second coming of the Savior will occur sometime in the near future.  I would say sometime in the next 50 years.  Of course that is a pure guess.  I don’t know.

As I’ve said to many of you before, I don’t think anybody knows the hour and the day.  The scriptures say that clearly.  But I would believe that as the time draws nigh, every true latter day saint will know the week and the month if not the hour and the day.  Because the signs will be there.  But the signs and the events aren’t the important thing, I think.  The important thing is what do you and I have to do to be able to survive.  I take it that the essence of surviving this time and arriving at the point of the second coming in such a condition that we shall be pleased to have it happen consists principally in doing one thing: disassociating ourselves from the world.  Because remember it’s the world that is going to come to an end.  And the further we can get away from the world, the more unlike the world we can become in the direction of becoming like the Savior, the better our preparation for his coming will be.    Remember Paul said there are a lot of things we don’t know about the second coming, but we do know this: that when he comes we shall be like him.  Those who have endured in the gospel of Jesus Christ will be like him.  And the Savior will draw all those unto him who have honored him enough to desire to become like him.  And they will be blessed with a fullness of his blessings.  To be made equal in power, might, and dominion with their Savior, their Lord, their leader.

But let’s review some of these conditions that will obtain now before the second coming of the Savior.  First I would like to talk about political conditions.  As a basis for this, I would like to refer you to Ether chapter 8.  Remember the book of Ether was written at what date?  Somewhere around 420 A.D.  The book of Ether is Moroni’s abridgment of the plates that were found during the time of King Mosiah.  They were translated by King Mosiah for his people.  And in the last, as he was very near the time of his own death, Moroni felt it expedient to abridge this record and give us this record.  Clearly he was not writing to the Nephites.  Why did he write this?  For us.  And so with almost all of the Book of Mormon.  It wasn’t written for people of that time.  Because Mormon and Moroni who wrote the bulk of it were the last of their people.  They wrote for us today.  Let’s see what they have to say about certain political conditions that will exist in our own time.

And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God.

For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath he forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

This secret combination is the combination to murder and get gain; to support one another in wickedness and not tell about it.  This is the basis of this secret combination.

And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.

And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combination to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation,  behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins…

What is he suspecting us of?  Secrecy combinations in our midst.  Why do ye suppose he would suspect us of these things?  Because he was shown in vision us.  He saw our day, our activities, our problems, and most of the things that he and his father put into the Book of Mormon were specifically designed to help you and me prepare for our own times.

…and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain–and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if you shall suffer these things to be.

Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation…

How can you know about it if it is a secrecy combination?  How can you see these things come among you?  How do you do it?  They don’t go around broadcasting.  How can you tell when secrecy combinations come among you?  There is only one way to know and that is to discern it spiritually.  If you look back in the Book of Mormon record.  Remember Nephi when he was talking with the people?  This is the Nephi just before the coming of the Savior.  Roughly about the time of Samuel the Lamanite.  How did he know that the judge had been murdered by his brother who sought the judgment seat?  By the spirit.  And he was able to tell the people how they could find out that this was true.  And this is how we must know these things.  In other words, if we depend on the evidence we get in our newspapers, do you think we’ll ever know the truth about these things?  Obviously not. We have to be smarter than that.

…because this secrecy combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries…

Have you ever heard of a program to overthrow the freedom of all nations and lands and countries?  Do you think you out to be wary of this program?  Is it anything to be worry about?  Well if you believe Moroni and Mormon it is.  You’ll be told by many people of your own society its nothing to be concerned about.  But who do you want to believe?  I think that’s a fair question.  Do you want to believe them or do you want to believe the Lord?

…and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets and stoned and cast them out from the beginning. (Ether 8:19-23)

If a righteous man were to come among the people and start talking about these secret combinations, what do you suppose would happen to him?  Well, he’d get stoned, so to speak, wouldn’t he?  Well, isn’t it interesting the things that we see going on?  As you read the newspapers, you do discover a few things.  I’ll just leave it to you.  Was it just chance that President Kennedy was assassinated?  Can you believe that it was chance?  Was this just some crackpot?  Do you see any significance in the fact that this man had lived in Russia, been trained by the Russians in exactly the sort of thing he did.  Does that mean anything?  Well, it can mean something only if you’re spiritually perceptive.

The point I’m trying to make is this:  I think it’s obvious that this system is operative among us.  The enemy has been clearly defined by latter-day prophecy.  What is the anti-Christ?  Communism.  Who is the personification of Satan on the earth?  Kruschev.  How do you know?  If you can’t do anything else, believe one who said it.  Who said it?  A man named David O’ McKay.  Now that ought to be important, don’t you think,  to every latter-day saint?  And yet the thing that bothers me is I see so many people who are latter-day saints saying, “after all, these people are just a little bit misguided.  There’s nothing to worry about.  Let’s fellowship them and embrace them and all will be well.”  Haven’t you heard people say that?

If there is a program going on to subvert the freedoms of people; if you see that millions and millions of people have been swallowed up by tyranny, by this same program; I think it would behoove us to become spiritually alive and not be duped by the propaganda that tells us this is just agrarian reform.  This is one of the realities of our day.  I personally think one of the most urgent practical necessities for every latter-day saint to work on is politics.  Because the church cannot survive without political freedom.  And if we as latter-day saints don’t do something about it, we’re going to find ourselves in pretty bad circumstances.  Well, let’s pass on.  We don’t want to spend all night on that.  I hope you realize, I’m just taking a pot shot of each of these.  But that’s about all we can do considering the circumstances.

Ecclesiastical conditions.  What’s going to happen in the last days regarding ecclesiastical conditions?  Well, the answer’s been given to us very plainly.  For this I will refer you to 1 Nephi 14.  In the beginning of chapter 14, Nephi says:

And it shall come to pass, that if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks.

What time is this talking about?  Now.  The time of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ among the Gentiles.

And harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father (they shall be with the House of Israel)…

And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church…

This should be a warning of what?  There’s an ecclesiastical danger to look out for too.  There’s going to be a pit digged for all righteous persons by the church of Satan in the last days.

…which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell–yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it.

Well, this is somewhat comforting.  At least we don’t have to worry too much because it will not succeed.  But we need to recognize the danger anyway.  Because many are going to be associated with the fall of this organization and will fill the pit.

…this is according to the captivity of the devil, and also according to the justice of God…

The angel said, “thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be well with them; and thou also knowest concerning the covenants of the Lord unto the house of Israel…wo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God.

For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other–either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken.

And it came to pass that he said unto me: rememberest thou the covenants of the Father unto the house of Israel?  I said unto him, Yea.  And it came to pass that he said unto me:  Look, and behold that great and abominable church, which is the mother of abominations, whose founder is the devil.

And he said unto me:  Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.

And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters; and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were all the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.

We know that there is going to be some very drastic church activity.  What is the program of the Lord in these last days?  What’s he going to restore?  What’s he going to restore in these last days?  All things.  And what’s he going to gather them into?  Into one.  Right?  What do you suppose the adversary is going to do?  He’s going to do about the same thing.  He’s going to restore all the wickedness that ever was upon the face of the earth.  He’s going to gather it together.  Why?  To get more strength.  Because he cannot combat the work of the Lord without that strength.  And as the work of the Lord becomes unified and strong, he’s got to unify his forces.  It’s my understanding that before the end comes, which is obviously not yet, there will be only two church organizations upon the face of this earth.  I mean by that, two specific churches.  And if you read the newspapers, you’ll see this coming to pass daily.  Well, that’s going to be interesting.  And this is intimately connected with the political situation.  I don’t think you can disengage the two.  And therefore we need to be wise in assessing what churches are doing.  Because this will have profound political impact wherever these things take place.  We need to be wary of this because the dominions of the church will always be small and the people of the church will be greatly persecuted by the church of Satan.  So, if we’re wary and ready for this, we’ll be able to at least know what is coming, what’s happening.  The enemy won’t be able to sneak up on us.

What about social conditions?  Again, I think that we can look to a certain thing that happened in the Book of Mormon to get our key to the social conditions of our time.  It’s my understanding that the events which immediately preceded the coming of the Savior to the Nephites are in a sense a paradigm or a type of the events which will precede the Savior’s second coming.  So let’s read a few words from the 6th chapter of 3 Nephi wherein these events are chronicled.

And now it came to pass in the twenty and ninth year (this is after the birth of the Savior, immediately before the coming of the Savior to the Nephites) there began to be some disputings among the people; and some were lifted up unto pride and boastings because of their exceeding great riches, yea, even unto great persecutions.

For there were many merchants in the land, and also many lawyers, and many officers.

And the people began to be distinguished by ranks, according to their riches and their chances for learning; yea, some were ignorant because of their poverty, and others did receive great learning because of their riches.

Some were lifted up in pride, and others were exceedingly humble; some did return railing for railing, while others would receive railing and persecution and all manner of afflictions, and would not turn and revile again, but were humble and penitent before God.

And thus there became a great inequality in all the land, insomuch that the church began to be broken up, yea, insomuch that in the thirtieth year the church was broken up in all the land save it were among a few of the Lamanites who were converted unto the true faith; and they would not depart from it, for they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord. (3 Nephi 6: 10-14)

Jumping over to chapter seven.  We are told how these people, through the conspiracies that took place which we’ve already talked about, overthrew the government of their land.

Now behold, I will show unto you that they did not establish a king over the land; but in this same year, yea, the thirtieth year, they did destroy upon the judgment-seat, yea, did murder the chief judge of the land.

And the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land.

And every tribe did appoint a chief or a leader over them; and thus they became tribes and leaders of tribes.

And the regulations of the government were destroyed, because of the secret combinations of the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets.

And they did cause a great contention in the land, insomuch that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous men among them. (3 Nephi 7: 1-3; 6-7)

Now we know these socials conditions will exist.  We know that the government of the United States is going to fall, as all civil governments will before the second coming.  If you’re dependent on the government now, that would be a good thing to know, wouldn’t it?

We know that the order of society is going to break down.  There will be much wickedness.  There will be few righteous people, in the sense of being completely righteous, when the end comes.  We get a little different approach to this in 3 Nephi chapter 29.  The Lord tells in the first part of the chapter, through Mormon:

And when ye shall see these sayings coming forth among you, then ye need not any longer spurn at the doings of the Lord, for the sword of his justice is in his right hand; and behold, at that day, if ye shall spurn at his doings he will cause that it shall soon overtake you.

Wo unto him that spurneth at the doings of the Lord; yea, wo, unto him that shall deny the Christ and his works!

Yea, wo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord, and that shall say the Lord no longer worketh by revelation, or by prophecy, or by gifts, or by tongues, or by healings, or by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Yea, and wo unto him that shall say at that day, to get gain, that there can be no miracle wrought by Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son of perdition, for whom there was no mercy, according to the word of Christ! (3 Nephi 29: 4-7)

Now down to chapter 30:

Hearken, O ye Gentiles, and hear the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, which he hath commanded me that I should speak concerning you, for, behold he commandeth me that I should write, saying:

Turn, all ye Gentiles, from your wicked ways; and repent of your evil doings, of your lyings and of your secret abominations, and your idolatries, and of your murders, and your priestcrafts, and your envyings, and your strifes, and from all your wickedness and abominations, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, that ye may receive a remission of your sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost, that ye may be numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel (3 Nephi 30: 1-2).

A good many of us in the church have come unto the Savior and been baptized.  But the question is: Have we relinquished these things of the world?  Are we materialistic in our society?  Do we set ourselves above one another in pride?  Do we share with one another?  Have we love in our hearts for all men?  Do we enjoy the gifts of the spirit so that we are mighty in doing the works of God?  I think we’ll have to say that as a people we’re making only a beginning.  We’re not doing too well in this regard.

There is a great deal of evil in the church.  As a church, we’re not doing a very good job of living the 10 commandments, let alone living the celestial requirements of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  So this is another of the factors that we’ve got to face.  The pressure isn’t going to get any easier.  The pressure is going to get worse.  If you are aware of what’s going on, I think you will agree with me, I hope you will, at least I hope so because if I’m wrong, somebody’s crazy.  I see a rising tide of sensuality in our nation.  Do you not?  A rising tide of materialism.  A rising tide of irresponsibility.  A hate of work; work being the source of all good things for human beings.  As these things come upon us, we live in a devolving society.  A society which is successful because of its technological advantages, but which is becoming so rotten morally, it’s going to topple one of these days.

If you have read the prophecies concerning the United States, you know that this country is going to be racked from one end to the other by bloodshed, by pestilence, by famine, by war, by fire, by scourges; it isn’t going to be a very pretty sight.  And this because of the fact that we are not very righteous as a people, as a nation.  The Lord will not suffer wicked people to dwell forever in the promised land.  And the time of judgment is coming.

Briefly, let’s say a word about economic conditions.  For all of his faults, you have to give Marx credit for one thing:  Economics is about the dearest thing to most people’s hearts.  And therefore it is a very important controlling factor in history.  There’s no question about it.  You cannot say that all men are controlled by economic factors.  If men were simply materialistic machines, as Marx thought they were, then he would be right.  But they are not.  Men do have spirits and intelligences.  There is a power of godliness which transforms men’s lives and lifts them above the materialistic level.  But most men are governed by material circumstances and considerations.  They make their decisions in terms of how much money it’s going to afford them, or cost them, so forth.  So, the way to control people is to control their economics.  Government has become the business of taking over the economics of a people because this is the way to effectively handle the situation.  You don’t have to pass anti-trust laws when you can control the steel companies just by cutting off their contracts.  Very simple.  So we see that all governments on the earth are moving more and more into complete control of the economics of their people.  Because this is the way to control society.  Because most men are economic creatures.  This has been seen by the prophets.  Let’s read a few words from the book of Revelations where John predicts what’s going to happen in the last days.

Chapter 13.  Speaking of the great and abominable church, John points out that the great and abominable church is going to be taken over by another organization.  And this organization is going to have the force to cause that as many as would not worship the great and abominable church would be killed.  Which is a pretty good explanation as to how there are only going to be only two churches in the end.  It couldn’t come about by any means except force.  But then this organization that also causes everybody to join this church is also going to cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.  And no man might buy or sell save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  What does that tell you?  Well, I think you can read in that, can’t you, that the economic situation is going to be completely controlled by this force, by this organization.  That eventually we will see the time when the economics of the world will be completely sewed up by this power, and no man can oppose it if he wish to engage in commerce, if he wishes to make a profit.  So if our considerations are material, the only one thing to do is to give in and get the mark and you can do business.  So the time is coming when every person is going to have to choose, I think, between certain material prosperities and his independence.  In other words, between material rewards and righteousness.  That’s what it boils down to.  Enough of that.

Let’s go on to the signs of the times.  Section 45 of the Doctrine and Covenants gives us enough of a communication of this.  Beginning with verse 30:

And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

When the Gentiles have had their chance, then their time is fulfilled, and we’re going to see these signs.

And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.

But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die.

And there shall be earthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another.

And when the light shall begin to break forth, it shall be with them like unto a parable which I will show you.

Ye look and behold the fig trees, and ye see them with your eyes, and ye say when they begin to shoot forth, and their leaves are yet tender, that summer in now nigh at hand;

Even so it shall be in that day when they shall see all these things, then shall they know that the hour is nigh.

When you see earthquakes, and wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, famine.  When you see flies coming upon the face of the earth, to lay their eggs that maggots devour the flesh of man.  Hail stones come forth to destroy the crops of the earth.  Desolating sickness come to cause thousands and thousands to die.  These are all very specific things prophesied by the scriptures as signs of the times.

And it shall come to pass that he that feareth me shall be looking forth for the great day of the Lord to come, even for the signs of the coming of the Son of Man.

This is one of the measures of our faithfulness.

And they shall see signs and wonders, for they shall be shown forth in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath.

And they shall behold blood, and fire, and vapors of smoke.

And before the day of the Lord shall come, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood, and the stars fall from heaven.

And the remnant shall be gathered unto this place.

Which of course refers to the gathering of the righteous to the New Jerusalem or to Jerusalem in the last days.  Apparently the remnant of the Jews will be gathered to Jerusalem and the remnant of everybody else will be gathered to the New Jerusalem.  Well, so much for the signs of the times.

I suppose you’ve gathered by this time that what I’m trying to do is paint for you a picture that is fairly pessimistic.  Now, why am I doing this?  Simply because I’m firmly convinced that the future is something to be pessimistic about.  It’s going to get an awful lot worse before it gets better.  And that you and I happen to live, I think,  very near the end of the times of peace and prosperity and happiness and usual circumstances.  I think that we are going to see the time in the very near future when much of this is destroyed because of these political, ecclesiastical, and social, and economic problems that I’ve been talking about.  Well let’s go on and talk about the second coming now.

The bright ray of hope in the whole business is the second coming.  It doesn’t matter how bad it’s going to get, all this evil is going to come to an end.  There will be a time when it shall be done away.  And that’s the wonderful thing we can look forward to with hope.  The saints will be vindicated.  Those who have suffered for righteousness sake will receive a reward and will know that things are well.

Now one of the great blessings the Lord has given us is a chronology of the day of the second coming.  We get an hour by hour sequence of the events of that day.  I would like to go through that sequence now because I think it’s very helpful.  There’s no point in any latter-day saint being surprised at anything that happens on the day of the second coming because it’s all here pretty much in black and white.  Let’s begin with section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse 87:

87.  For not many days hence and the earth will tremble and reel to and fro as a drunken man; and the sun shall hide his face, and shall refuse to give light; and the moon shall be bathed in blood; and the stars shall become exceedingly angry, and shall cast themselves down as a fig that falleth from off a fig-tree.

88.  And after your testimony cometh wrath and indignation upon the people.

This will be after the time that the missionaries have swept the earth to gather out the righteous for the last time.  Then those that remain having rejected the word of God will begin to reap the consequences.

89.  For after your testimony cometh the testimony of earthquakes, that shall cause groanings in the midst of her, and men shall fall upon the ground and shall not be able to stand.

90.  And also cometh the testimony of the voice of thunderings, and the voice of lightnings, and the voice of tempests, and the voice of the waves of the sea, heaving themselves beyond their bounds.

91.  And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men’s hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people.

Except whom?  Except those that know what’s going on.  They won’t be afraid because they know what’s coming next and there’s nothing really to be afraid of.

92.  And angels shall fly through the midst of heaven, crying with a loud voice, sounding the trump of God, saying: Prepare ye, prepare ye, O inhabitants of the earth; for the judgment of our God has come; (this is the first day of judgment which comes upon all men)  Behold, and lo, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Now when he says, “go ye out to meet him,” there will be two specific actions that will take place.  Those that have repented will go out and wish to see this great spectacle.  What about those who haven’t repented?  The scripture says that they will go to the rocks and the caves and will try and get the mountains to hide them.  Of course it won’t work.

94.  And another angel shall should his trump, saying: That great church, the mother of abominations, that made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, (that fornication is not a pretty word, but it’s an important key to the history of this organization. It has sold itself, so watch out) that persecuteth the saints of God, that shed their blood–she who sitteth upon many waters, and upon the islands of the sea–behold, she is the tares of the earth…

You see the world will have been separated into two groups by this time.  The great and abominable church will have been the world.  I didn’t say that very clearly.  And the saints will be the rest of the people.  And the world will be destroyed.  But the world is the same thing as those who have finally associated themselves with the great and abominable church in the end.  And so she will be burned.  She is the tares of the earth.

..she is bound in bundles; her bands are made strong, no man can loose them; therefore, she is ready to be burned.  And he shall sound his trump both long and loud, and all nations shall hear it.

95. And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour (I guess this is no point in speculating, but I presume we’ll all be doing a lot of meditating in this half hour); and immediately after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded after it is rolled up…

If you had a scroll here and you suddenly unfolded it, this will be what it will look like to look up into the heavens because the veil will be parted, just like it were the unrolling of a scroll.  And we will look up and see the spirit world surrounding the earth, which has been hidden from the eyes of men for these six thousand years since the fall.

…and the face of the Lord shall be unveiled.

96.  And the saints that are upon the earth, who are alive, shall be quickened and be caught up to meet him.

97.  And they who have slept in their graves shall come forth, for their graves shall be opened; and they also shall be caught up to meet him in the midst of the pillar of heaven.

Now while the Saints are being caught up.  Every righteous person will be caught up.  Every dead righteous person will be resurrected and caught up.  While this is going on, we’re given the transcript of what the rest of the people will be saying as they stand and look up into heaven.  For this, let’s go to section 133.  Beginning with verse 46.  This is what the people who stay on the earth who are watching this will say:

46.  And it shall be said: Who is this that cometh down from God in heaven with dyed garments; yea, from the regions which are not known, (what are these regions that are not known?  The spirit world that suddenly becomes visible.) clothed in his glorious apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?

47.  And he shall say: I am he who spake in righteousness, mighty to save.

48.  And the Lord shall be red in his apparel, and his garments like him that treadeth in the wine-vat.

50.  And his voice shall be heard: I have trodden the winepress alone, and have brought judgment upon all people; and none were with me.

What was the winepress?  The fierceness of the wrath of almighty God.  Which was what?  His atonement which he performed by himself.  No one was with him.

51.  And I have trampled them in my fury and I did tread upon them in mine anger, and their blood have I sprinkled upon my garments, and stained all my raiment; for this was the day of vengeance which was in my heart.

Again that sounds a little harsh.  But remember, these are people who have deliberately fostered evil.  Who have deliberately rejected the Savior and righteousness and kindness, who have sought to bring upon their fellowmen all kinds of misery, torment, tyranny.  And so the Lord takes vengeance upon them after they’ve had a chance to repent.  But there’s a happy note too.

52.  And now the year of my redeemed is come; and they shall mention the loving kindness of their Lord, and all that He has bestowed upon them according to his goodness, and according to his loving kindness, forever and ever.

This is the day of the blessing of the Saints and they receive their eternal inheritances.  Now let’s go now to section 45 of the Doctrine & Covenants where we get a record of what’s going to be said as he actually comes down and touches the earth.  Where will he touch?  The Mount of Olives at Jerusalem.  Immediately prior to the coming, there will be a tremendous earthquake and the Mount of Olives will split in twain and there will be a valley created into which a remnant of the Jews who are alive shall run to save their lives from the enemies that will be pressing upon them.  And at that point, they will meet the Savior.  So we read beginning with verse 47 of section 45.

47.  Then shall the arm of the Lord fall upon the nations.

48.  And then shall the Lord set his foot upon this mount, and it shall cleave in twain, and the earth shall tremble, and reel to and fro, and the heavens also shall shake.

49.  And the Lord shall utter his voice, and all the ends of the earth shall hear it; and the nations of the earth shall mourn, and they that have laughed shall see their folly.

50.   And calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed; and they that have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and cast into the fire.

What’s a person that watches for iniquity?  These are the people who read the newspaper and get a secret delight out of seeing stories about evil.  A person who loves righteousness detests newspaper accounts of other people’s evil deeds.  Don’t they?  But people who delight to read of evil deeds in a sense are evil.  And when they get the chance and think they won’t be caught, they will be evil too.  And these are they who will be destroyed.

51.  And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?

52.  Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.  I am he who was lifted up.  I am Jesus who was crucified.  I am the Son of God.

53.  And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their king.

And I presume that this weeping and lamentation of the Jews will in a sense be a vicarious weeping and lamentation for the steadfast rejection of the Savior which the Jews have made, lo these thousands of years.

Let’s go back now to section 88 where the story goes on.

At the time of the second coming, we have the occasion known as the morning of the first resurrection.  This is not the beginning of the first resurrection.  The first resurrection began at the resurrection of the Savior, he being the first fruits.  And all of the righteous who died before the resurrection of the Savior were resurrected with him.  So millions of people probably have been resurrected even before the second coming.  But nevertheless every person worthy of the celestial kingdom apparently who has not been resurrected will be resurrected at the time of the second coming.

98. They are Christ’s, the first fruits, they who shall descend with him first, and they who are on the earth and in their graves, who are first caught up to meet him; and all this by the voice of        the sounding of the trump of the angel of God.

When the resurrection of the celestial persons is complete, then we have the resurrection of the terrestrial persons as recorded in the next verse.

99.  And after this another angel shall sound, which is the second trump; and then cometh the redemption of those who are Christ’s at his coming; who have received their part in that prison which is prepared for them, that they might receive the gospel, and be judged according to men in the flesh.

These people have accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit world and are now resurrected to a terrestrial glory, being forgiven of their sins through the atonement of Christ and being privileged to come forth at this time to receive their inheritances.

100.  And another trump shall sound, which is the third trump; and then come the spirits of men who are to be judged, and are found under condemnation.

These are the telestial spirits.  They cannot yet be resurrected because they are filthy.  And if they were resurrected now they would have to be cast off with the devil and his angels for eternity.  So in his mercy the Lord judges them and gives them a chance to go pay for their sins.  And this is what the scriptures mean when they say “being thrust down to hell.”

These people are judged at this time, are thrust down to hell, and suffer for their sins because they would not accept the atonement of Christ through repentance and baptism.  Well, through repentance.  We don’t know what the requirements are for the terrestrial kingdom.  But these get the chance to go to hell and make their payment.  And at the end of the millennium, having made their payment, they will be privileged to come forth in the second resurrection and receive the glory of the telestial kingdom.  The telestial kingdom is not hell.  But they must go through hell to get to the telestial kingdom.  These are the rest of the dead and they live not again until the thousand years are ended.  Neither till the end of the earth.  They come back again to the presence of the Savior at the end of the millennium to be judged in the final judgment.  This judgment on the first judgment of the millennium is only a temporary judgment or an assignment for them to pay their penalties so that they can receive a better final judgment.

102.  And another trump shall sound, which is the fourth trump, saying: There are found among those who are to remain until that great and last day, even the end, who shall remain filthy still.

Some of these, even though they go away to suffer, are not profited by their suffering.  These are the sons of perdition.  And they shall remain filthy still and at the end of the millennium they shall be cast into outer darkness which is the second death.  Then we go on with the rest of the events of the day.

103.  And another trump shall sound, which is the fifth trump, which is the fifth angel (this is the same angel who had the everlasting gospel to preach to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, and he will say at this time) who committeth the everlasting gospel–flying through the midst of heaven, unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

104.  And this shall be the sound of his trump, saying to all people, both in heaven and in earth, and that are under the earth–for every ear shall hear it, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, while they hear the sound of the trump, saying: Fear God, and give glory to him who sitteth upon the throne forever and ever; for the hour of his judgment is come.

Now it said back there they were to be judged.  Now the time of judgment comes.  Every person who is resurrected, of course, receives his judgment on that day.  Because we are resurrected to the specific glory that is ours for the rest of eternity.  If we go to the celestial kingdom, we get a celestial body.  If we go to the terrestrial kingdom, we get a terrestrial body.  And so forth.

105.  And again, another angel shall sound his trump, which is the sixth angel, saying:  She is fallen who made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication; she is fallen, is fallen!

Who’s this?  The great and abominable church.  If you’ll notice, the affairs of the great and abominable church are intimately connected with the gathering of Israel, the events of the last days, with the day of the second coming.  It’s something that we ought to pay very particular attention to because it’s important.

106.  And again, another angel shall sound his trump, which is the seventh angel, saying: It is finished; it is finished!  The Lamb of God hath overcome and trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.

107.  And then shall the angels be crowned with the glory of his might, and the saints shall be filled with his glory, and receive their inheritance and be made equal with him.

The blessings of eternity shall be bestowed upon those who have endured to the end in righteousness.  They shall be made equal with Jesus Christ.

108.  And then shall the first angel again sound his trump in the ears of all living, and reveal the secret acts of men, and the mighty works of God in the first thousand years.

After the righteous receive their blessings then everybody else receives their judgment.  And how does it take place?  Well, two things are told to everybody.  This is made a public thing.  All the secret acts of men are made public and also the works of God in striving to bring these people to repentance.  So that everyone will know that the judgments of God are just.  And the judgments of God will be passed upon these people.

109.  And then shall the second angel sound his trump, and reveal the secret acts of men, and the thoughts and intents of their hearts, and the mighty works of God in the second thousand years. 110.  And so on, until the seventh angel shall sound his trump; and he shall stand forth upon the land and upon the sea, and swear in the name of him who sitteth upon the throne that there shall be time no longer;

No more watches.  No more clocks.  Is that what it means?  No more time?  No.  The time of the world is over.  Satan’s time is gone.  Wickedness is past.  The time for repentance is past. There will still be time after the manner of clocks, but not after the manner of the ability to do evil.  Time shall be no longer   …and Satan shall be bound, that old serpent, who is called the devil, and shall not be loosed for the space of a thousand years.

Then he shall be loosed and so forth.  Well, this pretty well completes the chronicle of the events of the day of the second coming.

Well, why did I go through all this?  I hoped to contrast that with the pessimistic picture of the intervening time.  This is a wonderful thing to look forward to.  So let’s contrast.  If we are depressed because of the events intervening, let’s also be joyed because of the wonderful blessings of the day of the second coming.  Well, now let’s turn to what we can do about these situations and prepare.

First of all, political.  We have received instructions as to what to do politically.  I would like to read them to you.  Let me read you the words of President McKay in the October conference 1962.  He has said these same sorts of things many times.  He talks about international communism and its attempt to destroy us and our freedoms.  He contrasts with this the gospel of Jesus Christ and its program.  And the two have nothing in common.  If you find something that has something in common with communism–and I hope I’m not speaking in too veiled a manner–you find something that is opposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Because the two are antithetical.  Jesus always sought the welfare of the individual.  And individuals grouped and laboring for the mutual welfare of the whole in conformity with the principles of the gospel, constitute the kingdom of God.  It isn’t the welfare of the individual that is sought by communism or its allies.  It’s the welfare theoretically of the state actually of the group who rule the state.  Is this not so?  Does Castro live like his people?  No, no he doesn’t live like the proletariat.  He proclaims to champion the proletariat, but isn’t it interesting how these great champions of the proletariat never live like them?  They’re always content to live in luxury while their people are the ones that suffer.  He goes on to say: “Force and compulsion will never establish the ideal society.”  Should this affect your politics?  This can come only by a transformation within the individual.  By no external force or power.

Only through a life redeemed from sin and brought in harmony with the divine will.  Instead of selfishness, men must be willing to dedicate their ability, their possessions, their lives if necessary, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the alleviation of the ills of mankind.  Hate must be supplanted by sympathy and forbearance.  Peace and true prosperity can come only by conforming our lives to the law of love.  The law of the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A mere appreciation of the social ethics of Jesus is not sufficient.  I hope you recognize what this means.  There are many within the church who want to teach only the social ethics of Jesus.  But the transformation of men’s hearts does not come by social ethics.  It comes by the power of the priesthood and the gift of the holy ghost.  That’s the only way it can come.  As men are willing to accept that power within into their lives.  Then they can be transformed.  But not by any law, not by any idea, not by any social ethic.

In these days of uncertainty and unrest, liberty-loving people’s greatest responsibility and paramount duty is to preserve and proclaim the freedom of the individual, his relationship to deity, and the necessity of obedience to the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Only thus will mankind find peace and happiness.

We find ourselves now immersed in a great political campaign in America for the purpose of selecting candidates for office in local, state, and national positions.  We urge you as citizens to participate in this great democratic process in accordance with your honest political convictions.  However, above all else, strive to support good and conscientious candidates of either party who  are aware of the great dangers inherent in communism and who are truly dedicated to the constitution in the tradition of our founding fathers.

That’s pretty explicit isn’t it?  If you know what the tradition of our founding fathers was, it isn’t what the constitution is being interpreted as today.

They should also pledge their sincere fealty to our way of liberty.  A liberty which aims at the preservation both of personal and property rights.  Study the issues, analyze the candidates on these grounds, and then exercise your franchise as free men and women.  Never be found guilty of exchanging your birthright for a mess of pottage.

Well that’s pretty plain, isn’t it?  Should we be in doubt as to what we ought to do politically?  The people cry for leadership and guidance.  But when the leader speaks, do the people follow?  Not always.  I’d be willing to wager with you (although I’m not a betting man).  Go to any sizable group in the church and see if they know what President McKay has said about what people ought to do politically.  I would wager that you can’t find 5% that know of these words.  Try it.  I’ve tried it many, many times.  People don’t know what President McKay says.  They don’t pay any attention to it.  This is one of our biggest problems.  We do not listen to our prophets.  He said things very explicit.  Why don’t people hear this?  A lot of them don’t want to hear it in the first place.  That binds you if you listen to what he says there.  You can’t just vote any old way, you’ve got to vote a certain way.  You’ve got to vote the way the Lord tells you to in accordance with certain guidelines.  And that’s more particular than a lot of people want to be.

Well, what can we do in the church?  It’s not our purpose to fight the great and abominable church.  The thing we must do is to build up the Church of Jesus Christ.  To establish Zion.  What is Zion?  Zion is a people who are pure in heart.  A people who live together in love and in righteousness.  And then ought to consume a good share of our effort.  It doesn’t matter what program we’re engaged in in the church, the end result is supposed to be love and kindness, good feeling with one another, working together as redeemed servants of Jesus Christ for the upbuilding of his kingdom.  If we’re accomplishing anything else, we’ve missed the point.  The only way we can stand the onslaught of the great and abominable church is to have power because it has power.  And the only power that’s sufficient is the power of the priesthood.  And only when we get the power of the priesthood so that we can command the elements, so that we can command disease, can we withstand the pressure that is going to be put upon us in these last days.  The Lord will not leave righteous people helpless.  Sometimes it’s true, they have to suffer and die as witnesses.  But not the body.  This is only the few that have to suffer and die as witnesses.

The group of his people are going to be preserved and preserved in proportion to their righteousness.  But we can have power only as we honor the power and the source of that power.  We have great missionary work to do.  We ought to be anxiously engaged in spreading the word of the gospel.  Every member a missionary.  How?  By example.  What did President McKay say to do last conference?  He said: Every one of you go out and radiate the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Make sure that everybody in your environment feels the power of the goodness of the gospel.  And they see that this is something that does transform the lives of people.  People don’t just join the church and go to a lot of meetings.  They get changed.  They become righteous.  They become nice to be around.  They get rid of their bad habits.  That’s what we’re supposed to be doing, isn’t it?

And genealogy and temple work.  This is a day of peace.  There is no better time to do our genealogy  work than right now.  When the overflowing scourge comes, are we going to be able to go to Salt Lake City and work in the library?  Of course not.  If we know what’s going on, we’ll get busy right now.  This is the most fruitful time we’re going to have.  We don’t know how long it’s going to continue.  But we must work on it.

What can we do socially?  The Lord has set his people to be a light unto all men.  To encourage all men everywhere to be righteous.  We’re not just supposed to say, “Well, we’ll work with the members of the church.  We have a responsibility to encourage all men of whatever religious belief to live up to the principles they believe in.  And we can help them.  We can stimulate it.  Lots of people get into politics and become evil men because nobody will support them.  The only way they can operate is to make deals with the opposition.  Good men won’t come to their aid.  And we crucify a lot of good men by this process.  Well, do we have any political integrity ourselves?  Enough to support good men in doing good things?  Or do we insist that we get the pork barrel while they economize with everybody else?  Well, we have to be very honest with ourselves.  If we build the kingdom of God, we’re going to build principles of righteousness.  We’re going to preserve the constitution of the United States.  Let me read you just a few words from President J. Rueben Clark.

“I am an American because I believe in a government of laws and not of men.  And in a national allegiance to high principle and lofty ideal instead of to a personal sovereign.  (I hope you recognize that what he believes in is being done away with.)  I am an American because I believe in a government with three distinct separate branches, each mutually independent of the other, with no power of delegation or appropriation of rights or powers by any one of them or from any other.  I am an American because I believe that government must derive its just powers from the consent of the governed.  And branches of government and officers shall have such powers such as shall be given them by the people.”

I didn’t mean to get back to politics.  But are you aware that it doesn’t matter too much anymore what Congress passes as a law.  What runs the country is executive order and not law.

Very specific laws were created governing what should be done in relation to Cuba.  By executive order, the government ignored every one of those laws passed by the people of the United States.  Who runs the country?  The executive branch.  Not the legislative branch.  And it does what it wants to do and not what the people want it to do.  In fact, it deliberately withholds from the people the opportunity of knowing what’s going on and deliberately falsifies the record to promote its ends.  We better watch out.

I’m an American because I believe in the greatest possible measure of self-government.  Some people say the less government the better.  That’s an awful fallacy.  You have to have government.  If people will not govern themselves, they must be governed to avoid chaos.  But I think he states it correctly here.  I believe in the greatest possible measure of self-government because I believe in a federal system of government which keeps local affairs in the hands of governments.  I am an American because I believe in a Bill of Rights which places wholly beyond the reach of lawful government certain matters affecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Specifically the right of freedom of conscience and worship, the right of free speech and of free press.  The right peaceably to assemble and petition government.  The right to gain and hold property without molestation except by due process of law.  And he goes on with a lot of other things.  I commend to you as a good book, Stand Fast by the Constitution.  If you haven’t read it, I think it ought to be a first order of business.  Well, socially we’ve got to rise above the ways of the world by building the kingdom of God by establishing Zion.

Economically, the pattern is given by the Savior in section 78 of the Doctrine and Covenants.  It’s his will that his church not go down when governments fall.  That it not be trapped by the activities of the great and abominable church or the organization that takes over that church and restricts and restrains commerce.  The goal of the Lord is to help us to enter into another order of righteousness called the order of Enoch or the law of consecration.  Which is basically not a material, but a spiritual covenant.  He says in verse 11:

11.  Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, to prepare and organize yourselves by a bond or everlasting covenant that cannot be broken.

13.  Behold, this is the preparation wherewith I prepare you, and the foundation, and the ensample which I give unto you, whereby you may accomplish the commandments which are given you.

14.  That through my providence, notwithstanding the tribulation which shall descend upon you, that the church may stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world.

It’s impossible to become independent.  But we do want to be independent of the world and dependent only upon the Lord.  This is the economic program of the church.  The beginnings of it are the welfare program, our tithing, our fast offering, our building fund.  But we’ve got to be awfully astute because this again is mixed up with politics.  The political powers that be aren’t going to be very happy when we start to get independent economically.  Why?  Because then they can’t control us.  And they will want to control us.  So they’re going to turn the screws economically and we’re going to have to watch out.  Why do the Brethren say to get out of debt?  Because the easiest way for someone to control you is to get you good and far in debt and then through some circumstance fix it so you can’t pay your debts which is possible, isn’t it?  Do you know how they did it to the Mormons in Nevada in 1856?  They didn’t like the Mormons.  They  were prospering down in the Moapa Valley so they turned the screws on them by demanding that they pay all their taxes in gold pieces.  They didn’t have any gold so they had to leave.  They came in and possessed theirs lands and took everything away from them.  Well, that’s crafty isn’t it?  It pays for us to be intelligent too.  But intelligent sufficient that we do not cause ourselves and our posterity to suffer.  It pays for us to become economically strong and independent so that our enemies do not have power over us.  Are you aware the Brethren have counseled us there is only one good reason for going into personal debt?  What is it?  To buy a home.  I think that if we keep that counsel we are going to be better off as a people.  And they tell us to get out of debt as fast as we can.  Financial bondage leads to spiritual bondage if we aren’t careful.  So we need to watch out.  There’s a very real area for us to work on.

What’s another aspect of this independence?  Do you have a year’s supply?  This has been the standing order of the church for how many years?  At least 28 that I know about.  You know what Brigham Young used to tell the people?  What was the standing order in Brigham Young’s day?  Four or five years supply.  You see, we’ve backed up now.  What do the Brethren plead with us to do today?  1 year.  But how many of us have done it?  Do you think you could find 10% of the people of this church who could sustain themselves for a year if everything were cut  off?  No.  Do you think you can find 10% of the people of this church who are faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.  No.  This is one of the tokens, isn’t it?  If a person really believes in Jesus Christ and the servant of Jesus Christ says, “get a year’s supply of food and clothing,” don’t you think that person would do it?  Wouldn’t he not buy a new car this year and get that year’s supply in.  Why sure he would.  But nobody does it to speak of.  Why?  Because we don’t believe in Jesus Christ, frankly.  Oh, yes, we believe that he exists, don’t mistake me.  We believe that he is up in the heavens somewhere and he’s a very nice person.  But we don’t believe that he is the sole source of our salvation.  We don’t believe that we have to do everything he says.  And this is what we come to in this last item.

The only salvation for men is to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and to do as he says.  Remember the parable of the tree of life in the Book of Mormon.  The mists of darkness grow thick, and the thicker they get, the more imperative it is to recognize what is going on in the total picture.  All these events that I’ve talked about are the mists of darkness.  The only latter-day saints who are going to survive these mists and not fall off into that filthy water.  What was that filthy water that was going alongside that straight and narrow path?  It was a representation of the depths of hell.  And in the mists of darkness, if you don’t hang on to the iron rod, where do you wander?  You wander off and plop into the filthy water.  The only hope we have to endure these last days and not become subject to Satan, I believe, is to become subject to Jesus Christ.  To become independent of every creature beneath the celestial world.  The church is a celestial organization.  It is that organization designed and implemented by the Lord Jesus Christ to save every soul that wants to be saved from the world.  But if we love the world, of course we don’t want to be saved from it.

But this is the test.  Do we love the material advantages the world has to offer or do we love righteousness more?  That’s essentially the choice that we’re making in these last days.  The world chooses material advantage.  Welfare.  Those who are righteous chose suffering in a sense but righteousness.  They chose to do good for the fellow man and they are willing to suffer materially.  They’re willing to be poor if necessary to promote righteousness.  They’re willing to  sacrifice for their principles.  They’re willing to go out and buy their year’s supply.  Now, mind you, I’m not talking to students.  It’s not necessary for a student, I would believe, to have a year supply.  But I think every head of a household ought to have it.  Everybody who is responsible for feeding other people ought to have it.  Wouldn’t that be a good thing?  How can we account ourselves as just and wise stewards before the Lord if we have not provided for those that are dependent upon us.  If we leave them subject to the mercies of evil people in our society.  That isn’t very good stewardship is it?

Well, this is where personal righteousness comes in.  The Lord tells us, “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.”  Let’s make sure that we have clean hands and a pure heart.  I would hope brothers and sisters that we can do as we are commanded to do in the Doctrine and Covenants.  Let’s read a few verses here from section 88.  The Lord gives us very specific instructions as to how to prepare for these last days:

123.  See that ye love one another; cease to be covetous; learn to impart one to another as the gospel requires.

124.  Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another; cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.

125.  And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace.

126.  Pray always, that ye may not faint, until I come.  Behold, and lo, I will come quickly, and receive you unto myself.  Amen.

Brothers and sisters, it is my hope and prayer that we can rally together and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.  We have a long way to go and the obstacles are formidable.  Its my testimony that the Lord  is equal to every obstacle that you and I face and that you and I, under the direction of the Lord, can meet and successfully overcome the challenges of these last days.  We can separate ourselves from the world and from worldliness.  We can be ready for the Savior in his second coming.  I think one way to say how to be ready for the second coming is this:

The only way to prepare for the second coming is to accept the first coming.  To accept the fact that Jesus Christ came and lived a perfect life.  That he wrought an atonement for all men.  He descended below all things and now has risen above all things and will come to judge all things.  I pray that we will study the life of our Savior and his teachings and his commandments.  That we might accept his first coming and that we will obey the voice of his servants that we might be prepared for his second coming.  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Chauncey C. Riddle

There is a rational back bone, that is to say there is a rule. The weakness of the moral sense philosophy is that just about anything can come out of it. Historically speaking much good came out the moral sense philosophy but also a good deal of evil. Because people would claim things for their conscience which were not true, either they were lying or they were mistaken. And there’s a real weakness in following conscience in that respect.

So Kant was trying to remedy that weakness by putting in a rational rule that people would follow that would keep them more in the path of good common sense than conscience seemed to be doing. The weakness in Kant’s system? Kant down-played the moral sense so much that it went into oblivion. He over-played the role that reason could play by hooking it to duty it became cast into things such as Hitler using it to get the Beirmauchen to be very obedient, which it was. Kant, I think he was a man of goodwill basically. But when you try to substitute things for the will of God you’ve got into trouble, that was his trouble. He may have done the best he could, I don’t know. But it’s plain, you see you need something more than that.

Let’s talk about utilitarianism. What is utilitarianism? The greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people is the goal of utilitarianism. So what is the good in utilitarianism? Pleasure. What kind of pleasure? What does utility mean? Usefulness. Usefulness for what? But what is the good? Utility is the principle or the means to get good but what is the good? Pleasure. What kind of pleasure? Sheer physical pleasure. This is a collective Scerinaicism. So the statesman has the job of figuring out what will bring the greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people. As a matter of fact that’s what most politicians try to do. They try to please the greatest number of their constituents they can so they can get re-elected. So we have some great national disasters in the making out of our selfishness.


From my reading it seems the goal of utilitarianism is for well-being not pleasure. You see well-being is a perfectly ambiguous term, it only means what you make it mean. And what utilitarian mean by that is the greatest pleasure. Well-being is simply pleasure. And isn’t that what the average American seems to want. What’s the great ideal for most Americans? A cruise in the Caribbean, with all kinds of Epicurean delights at the table and warm weather and sunshine and swimming. Not to mention other kinds of physical pleasures. What is the great weakness of this system? Human reason failed at this point. There is no way to determine what’s the greatest pleasure to the greatest number.

Even if pleasure is the good there’s no human epistemology that enables one to deliver the answer to that question. Why? What would you have to know to deliver the greatest amount of pleasure to the greatest number of people? You would have to know virtually everything. You would have to know all the possibilities for action and how much pleasure each of those possibilities would bring to one individual. What else would you have to know? You’d have to be able to sum up all possibilities and calculate what would be the greatest good for the greatest number. Obviously it’s impossible. Isn’t it obviously impossible? So when men think they’re doing that, what are they doing? They’re arrogating to themselves what? They’re arrogating to themselves godhood. They’re pretending they are God and that they can do what no mortal can do. That is sheer pride, you see. That’s what the Lord says is the great barrier, the great sin that keeps more people from their blessings than any other thing, it’s simply that, pride. When men think they are wise of themselves.

What are the strengths of utilitarianism? All these are attempts to make an ethical system.. The strength to utilitarianism that none of the other systems has, yes some of the others do, most of the other don’t. It has a social concern. It recognizes that the group is important. And that is important. And there are many sensitive people in the world who recognize that philosophies that only take care of the individual have something lacking. There has to be a social concern. Human beings are no individuals, that is to say I am not just me. Myself, me, doesn’t end at the surface of my body.

We live in a world that has fostered individualism for so long that the idea of individualism has run amuck. And again, a perfect example of that is the idea of abortion. That a woman need have no feeling of responsibility for her child at all.

In the gospel frame what is the circle of a social concern that we must have? Are you aware? When you repent do you repent of only your own sins? No. If you wish to be celestial your circle has to be wider than that. How wide? Many of you may never of heard this. This is one point of the gospel that’s almost never talked about. I don’t know why. We are responsible for repenting for the sins of our ancestors back to the fourth generation.

Now, what does that mean? The sin carries down. We all know the statement, that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generations. That’s the negative of this positive thing. When we repent for them we have to repent for those sins. Because we are the heirs for those sins. Let’s make a graphic illustration, supposing that my great grandfather stole some money. He stole one thousand dollars. And he passed on the money to his children. They invested the money and it grew and it was passed on to their children and finally it comes down to me. And I’m the beneficiary of the thousand dollars. Now, that’s tainted money.

What have I got to do? If I wish to be a celestial being, what do I have to do? Repent of that by changing the course that it has taken. Now the repentance needs to go two directions. What two directions does it need to go? It has to begin with me so that I don’t 

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The Creation of the Earth and the Probation of Man

Chauncey C. Riddle

We will talk about the creation of the earth and of the world as a setting for the probation of man. This earth was set up as the perfect place for man’s probation. Into this setting, now comes the gospel of Jesus Christ with its message of hope, life, and salvation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of life. Life being the greatest kind of living.

There are three kinds of life Father is trying to give us: He is trying to give us a certain duration and quality of physical life. He is trying to give us life in connection with righteousness. He is trying to give us life in connection with posterity. Now, any person who has all three of those who has a celestial, immortal body, who has become righteous and has the right and the opportunity to have posterity eternally. He has the fullness of eternal life or it’s called eternal lives. So, that’s what the Father is trying to give us through the gospel. He’s trying to give us salvation.

The Prophet Joseph said that salvation was to be put beyond the power of our enemies. Who is our enemy? My understanding is that Satan is not our enemy, he’s not our friend either. He’s just there to do his job. My understanding is that our enemy is ourselves. And that what we need to do is to get rid of our selfishness. And if we can ever manage to do that, that is salvation. Because that’s the enemy we need to fear, is our own selfishness. When the Savior came among the Jews, they wanted to be saved but they had a different definition of salvation. Their definition of salvation was to smash the Roman Armies so they could become an independent political kingdom. His definition of salvation was to help them stop being selfish. And that they did not want. They wanted him to smash the Roman Armies and they rejected him as the Messiah because he had the audacity to tell them he was the Messiah and yet would do nothing about the Romans. Well the Savior had the Romans there for a special reason, that was part of the plan. It was his idea but most of the Jews’ nation did not see the idea and therefore missed the opportunity for life and salvation.

The natural man is given this opportunity not because all of them will want it. All of them will want pieces of it. All of them will get immortality for instance but not all will have eternal lives in the full sense.

The gospel itself is a short message. It consists of perhaps ten ideas which can be said in one breath if you have a good lung capacity. The gospel is compatible with all truth, indeed it embraces all truth and light in the universe. But it itself is a very limited short message. It is basically the message a person has to know to be ready worthy meaningfully baptized. So we are gong to review these ten ideas now. We’re not going to give them in the one breath, we’re going to expand on each one a little bit.

First, Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Father. That’s the first thing we have to know. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So the first thing we have to know is who Jesus Christ is. He is the Son of God. And that simply means, he was not a God at first but became a God, thus he is called the Son of God. Having become a God he has inherited all that the Father has. And that’s important because he extends that same opportunity to you and to me. He was Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament who’s name means, “will be.” He is the God who would be, that is to say, who was to come, on the earth. He was the God who would be born of Mary in the land of Jerusalem of the seed of Abraham, of the seed of David. But also he is literally the only begotten Son of God the Father in the flesh. He has this divine heritage and the natural mortal heritage. He had blood in his veins but he had sufficient of the divine heritage he could have lived for ever, not needing to die. And because he was the son of God and had the presence of his Father with him at all times and was perfectly obedient to his Father, he did not sin.

He came into the world to do his Father’s will and to do nothing but his Father’s will. He did this completely and perfectly. His Father’s will was, that he should first lead this sinless life and then give up this perfect and potentially unending mortal life that he might ransom the souls and bodies of all mankind.

Second, the Father’s will was that he be lifted up upon the cross, that is to say the main reason the Savior came to the earth was to atone for our sins. He didn’t apparently do anything else that was, for instance somebody else could have set up a church and taught the gospel. That wasn’t essential to his mission though he did those things. What was essential was that he do the two things; that he live a sinless life so that he could atone for our sins and then atone for our sins.

The cross is the symbolic symbol of his working out the atonement. So having lived this sinless life because of his divine heritage he was able to personally, voluntarily take upon himself and suffer the debt of justice due for each and every sin that had been committed or would be committed by any human being on this earth. Again this is something that boggles the mind because this necessities that every sin (The Father is so omniscient that every sin that had been committed was carefully cataloged) every sin that was being committed was carefully cataloged, every sin that would be committed was carefully cataloged already when the Savior wrought his atonement.

So there was something known about your life and my life, every lie that we ever tell was already known back when the Savior did his atonement. Does that mean we are free? Well, stop and think about how we are free. The thing that is important to us is that we must recognize that when we sin, we sin of our own choice. That is to say, after we know the gospel and have the Spirit as our companion. If we then sin deliberately then we are deliberate adding to the Savior’s burden, that is say it was known back then that we would deliberately know we were sinning against him and adding to his atonement. So even that’s known. So we have to be careful that we do not crucify him afresh. Shed his blood again by our own deliberate sins. That’s the thing that is very hard to get forgiveness for. It’s much easier to receive forgiveness for a sin that’s not known, that is to say when we don’t know what we’re doing. Whenever a person does the right thing, there’s a measure of blessing that goes out to everybody whom he effects.

Happy, smiling, full of the Spirit, he affects everybody that passes by. This is fun to watch in New York City where the contrast is so obvious. You walk down the street and here comes somebody who is a saint. It’s as there was a light extending out about eight or ten feet and it’s so special to see that. To see the missionaries standing on a street corner and sometimes that light will be around them. It’s so special, so precious in that situation. Well, that’s the nature of our lives, we were sent into the earth to radiate a certain amount of blessing and happiness and good to others. Now anything short of that possible radiation happens because we disobey God. That shortness is the measure of our sin. So if we either shorten that blessing or replace it with evil, that is to say we spread an evil influence. That’s the measure of the sin of our lives. And the debt of justice is, somebody has to make up for all of that.

God put everybody on earth intending, that is to say, when things are right everybody is radiating this good. So everybody is getting so much radiation of good from others that their life is completely happy. Now, if we were to live in Zion we would see that kind of situation. Everybody would be so happy and so blessed, there would be no sickness, no depression, no schizophrenia, no problems. Everybody would be so busy doing what they’re supposed to do to serve the Father that everybody would be in a constant state of joy. I said it wasn’t a state. Everybody would have joy and be in a constant state of happiness. And that is the heritage of all human beings to live in that kind of a state.

Whenever any human being defies the commandments of God he shortens someone else in receiving that happiness. That is sin. And justice is, that person has to account for having shorted his fellow beings. I hope that makes sense. So, whenever we sin we cause others to suffer. And the measure of our lives is the amount of suffering we have caused. And we have to account for all the suffering. It is expected that as children of God with this wonderful heritage we would not cause suffering. But when we deliberately go against God and cause suffering then we have to pay for it. We have been set free but to be free also means that we must also be accountable. Now, what did the Savior do? He came into the earth and took the sum total of all this suffering that ever had been caused, that was being caused, that ever would be caused on the earth and suffered for all that pain in one twenty-four hour period.

Now you and I can’t imagine how much suffering we’ve caused with our own lives. We can think back a little bit about how others have caused us to suffer through their sins. And we have some sense then of how we have caused others to suffer. But you sum that up for all human beings over all time, it’s an impossible thing for us to imagine. But it is such a great weight of suffering no human being can even understand it, let alone suffer it.

But the Savior, being a God, could both understand it and suffer it, every last particle. It’s no wonder he asked the Father if it be possible that the cup might pass from him. He was in intense pain. Had he had the privilege of spreading that pain out over a thousand years, that would have been a little easier to bare. But he had to do it all in that one twenty-four hour period. That was his cup. That’s why he was born. For that hour he came into the world and lived a sinless life. So that then he could suffer that suffering. Why did he suffer that suffering? So that then he could forgive us. Because you and I if we’re not forgiven can never go back to the Father. The Father being a perfect being cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. So anybody who has sinned and has not made up for it can’t ever be in his presence again. And you and I can’t make up for our sins. Because there is another part to sinning besides the suffering.

The suffering has to be paid for but then the recompense has to be paid back to the person we sinned against. So that their life is as though we had never sinned against them. How do you go back and make all the reparations? Our sins go on through time, think how much suffering and evil it brings into the world with those acts. We’re responsible for this and until those wrongs are set right and suffered for and all the wrong that was set in motion by that is set right, the thing is not whole.

Now the Savior’s mission is to make that whole thing whole. So he has to atone for the sins of and then set everything right. He has to restore everybody to that happiness that they would have had if nobody sinned against them. Which of course only a God can do. You and I can’t do that, that is to say, we can try to make recompense for our sins but we really can’t begin. We just begin, we can’t really do it. Without the Savior it would be hopeless for us to account for our sins. So we need that atonement, we desperately need his help. We should be so grateful to him for the fact that he was willing to come and suffer and not only that but make up for all the sins that we committed. Make it up to the people we hurt.

Thirdly. He allows us to be taken out of hell, out of the power of Satan when we die.

Fourthly. He enables us to be resurrected. Now accomplishing those four things is a mighty work. That’s the work of the Savior’s atonement. So he performed his work perfectly so that everyone of us can have blessings that are possible. This is why it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because he is the one who is the way. He provided the opening of the door that makes it possible to get back to the Father. The door is himself, his suffering and we must go through him to get back to the Father.

Fifthly. It is our Gather’s will that after the Savior had paid the debt and made salvation possible for every human being that every human being be required to stand before the Savior to account for the opportunity that each has to repent of his sins. So the judgment comes.

There is a way for each human being to prepare for the judgment:

  1. To put one’s faith, one’s trust in Jesus Christ. We have to yield ourselves to him as the Savior to be saved. Salvation comes through him and through him only. All our needs for light and truth or light and salvation are met through him.
  2. Repentance under the direction of the Holy Spirit. That is to say through faith in Jesus Christ. Each of us must undertake to go through our heart, our mind, our strength, and our might and set in order all these things according to the truth and light which the Savior sends to us.
  3. Enter the covenant
  4. Receive the Holy Ghost
  5. Endure to the end. Life eternal
  6. Promise to match the warning

The gospel of Jesus Christ is simply that program that teaches us how to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. It’s one thing to know that that’s the great commandment, it’s another thing to be able to do it. And the only way to be able to do it is to receive knowledge and power through Jesus Christ.

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The Creation and the Gospel

To me the theology of the LDS Church is the most important body of knowledge in the world.  If I were a musician, I would write music about it and perform that music.  If I were a painter, I would paint it.  I’m neither of those, I’m a philosopher so I have to talk about it.  Talking about it is a special privilege.  This is not supposed to be anything new.  It’s like hearing Beethoven’s Fifth over again or something.  But hopefully through sharing ideas we can accomplish something good.  Now I’m going to talk for approximately fifty minutes, then there will be a few minutes for questions.

The subject for today is first of all the creation, then the gospel.  One further word of introduction:  What I’m thinking is my personal picture.  My hope and intent is, that it is not incorrect. But necessarily it will reflect my personality, my understanding, my knowledge.  If it doesn’t square exactly with yours, I hope you will forgive me.  The process we’re all engaged in is that we will all come to a unity of faith.  I’m over here, you’re over there. But if we will all move toward the center we will meet some day and see eye to eye on all these matters.  And it is such an occasion as this that might perhaps help us come a little closer together. So, let’s begin.

The universe is made of intelligences.  I understand that intelligences are material and all matter is intelligences.  Some material and intelligences are finer, some courser.  Creation was the process of organization, or, in other words, reorganization of these intelligences.  Apparently the word create does not mean to make out of nothing.  It means to change the form of, to organize.  Some intelligences are organized to act, others are organized to be acted upon.  The fundamental choice for action is whether to act righteously or selfishly.  Righteousness is to so act that one promotes as much as possible the happiness of all beings one affects by ones actions.  Now let’s try that again because that’s fundamental.  Righteousness, as I understand it, is to act in such a way that you benefit everybody you effect as much as possible by what ever you do.  Now that’s a tall order to do that.

Righteousness it seems to me, is the alternative to selfishness.  Selfishness is to choose to act to promote our own personal welfare without regard to the concerns of others.  In righteousness each intelligence seeks the interest of his neighbor.  And this is the only possible basis for living together in harmony eternally.  My guess is that righteousness is a principle that’s built into the very structure of existence.  It is not something that’s arbitrary at all.  It’s the way things have to be to be harmonious when you deal with people who are your equals and you live with them eternally.  It seems to me the only basis that will make eternal harmony and happiness possible is this principle of each person having his neighbor’s interest instead of his own.  Righteousness I take is the pivotal concept of all correct theology.  It is the independent variable of the whole system, in a way.  Everything depends on and relates to this concept of righteousness.  God is a god of righteousness, that’s why he is God.  Righteousness does not come from him, he is God because he himself yields to and obeys the necessities of righteousness.  So the fullness and perfection of righteousness is God.  And that fullness and perfection is found only in God.

As is there but one righteousness so there is but one God.  That one God (capital G) is made up of many intelligences who have obtained pure righteousness.  They too are gods (small g.)  So there’s no contradiction as far as I can see in saying that we have three gods in our Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.  And they are one God.  They are one in the sense that they are absolutely united.  They are united in the priesthood structure that so unites them that they act as if they were a single entity.  They act perfectly, unerringly for the welfare and happiness of all individuals, that is to say they act in righteousness.  My understanding is that righteousness is the source of God’s power because God is a God of righteousness.  Most of the intelligences are delighted to associate with God and to serve him, to obey him, and to keep his commandments.  That’s not true of everything however.  So, the universe consists then of three things as I understand it:  The universe consists of God, the kingdoms of God (which are many. We know of a Celestial Kingdom, and a Terrestrial Kingdom, and a Telestial Kingdom, and a kingdom without glory or any light.)  And then there are those who resist God.  Those three things, as I understand it exhaust the universe.  “There are Gods many and Lords many,” as Paul said.  But to us there are three that are especially important; our Heavenly Father, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.  These three are one God, infinite and eternal.  They are perfectly righteous, that is to say they never act selfishly.  Because they are omniscient they know how to be righteous. Because they are omnipotent and have all power to do all things that can be done they can act righteously.  So our God is sufficient to righteousness.  Righteousness, I take it, is the most difficult thing to achieve in the universe.  It is the supreme achievement.  It is the order of the universe that makes dwelling in the universe a happy thing to do.  We should be very grateful for the goodness of our God for his perfection and for the power, knowledge, and righteousness of our God.

Now the key to theology, according to Parley P. Pratt, and I think this is profound insight, is that men are the children of the Gods.  Literally, of the race, of the seed, physically begotten of the Gods.  Literally the same flesh and bone.  And thus are heirs to Godliness.  The heirs of Godliness, of course means, heirs to righteousness.  Each human being is invited by the gospel of Jesus Christ to become a god, with a small g.  To become part of God, with a capital G.  To join in the eternal work of God, eternally.  The Savior prayed his disciples might become one with him, even as he was one with the Father.  That also meant all that they would bring would become one with them.  This is the grand design.  The design is that every soul born on this earth should have the invitation to claim their rightful heritage.  Which is, to grow up in righteousness unto the fullness of it.  But since righteousness is a thing that is done by will power.  That is to say, cannot be done by any creature which apparently is acted upon.  Righteousness is a thing which can be achieved only by intelligences which are organized to act.  Therefore man had to be set free.  Otherwise he could not have obtained righteousness.

This earth was recently created.  That is to say, reorganized to be the habitation of Adam and Eve.  The creation was personally supervised by the Father.  Our Savior was and is the executor of this creation.  The creation, as I understand it, is still going on actually and will continue into the future.  The spiritual creation was finished before the physical creation began.  But the physical creation has gone on since that time.  Apparently the spiritual creation may have started as recently as fifteen thousand years ago,  was completed in seven days, and the physical creation has been going on. We don’t know exactly how long. But we know there have been about six thousand years of the earth’s continuation or existence since the fall.  The gap in our knowledge is how long before the beginning of creation, of the creation of the earth for Adam’s habitation and the time of the fall.  It could have been a long long time, but we don’t know what the time period is, at least I don’t have the answer to what that might be.

The important thing about the creation of this earth (there are two things that are important.)  First, that all things physical have there counterpart to that which is spiritual.  Spiritual was created first then the physical follows along and is done in the same form and image as the spiritual.  That is important because it is the spiritual that controls and governs the physical.  The thing that I think is avoided in this whole process of understanding creation is the superstition that the world has fallen into to suppose that this creation was natural.  That is to say, that somehow it proceeded by itself, by chance.  We are told the creation story over and over again.  And I think the purpose of that is that it will finally sink into us that this was not a natural process.  This was a process that was carefully directed by the Father, executed by the Son in very great detail and I suppose in full detail.  They looked at it and saw that it was good.  They created it just the way they want to to fulfill the work of righteousness.  Being perfect creatures then, their creation was perfectly suited for its task.

The fall of Adam marks the creation of the world.  The creation of the earth and the creation of the world are two different things.  The earth is the physical globe on which we live.  A world is an extensive place of existence and action.  This world is the place for the creation of righteousness.  It had to be set up so that it would be maximumly designed to allow the sons and daughter of God to become righteous, or in other words, to become Gods.  To become one with the Father to become one with God.  So the fall of Adam was the process by which the world was created.  This world was also created by the Son under the direction of the Father.

Satan and one third of the hosts of heavenly intelligences chose selfishness over righteousness in the pre-mortal war in heaven.  Because of that they were damned at that point, that is to say their growth in righteousness and in light.  Light being wisdom and truth being knowledge was stopped at that time.  And though they had considerable light and truth and some knowledge of righteousness their growth ceased and they were cast down to this earth.  So when the world was created they were here ready to do their part.  The factors necessary for the creation of the world were:

one, there needed to be Gods present to create and to control and to teach of righteousness.

Two, there needed to be  Satan to provide an intense opposition to God and to righteousness.

Three, there needed to be an earth suitable for the habitation of man.

Four, the children of God needed to be here, innocent and ignorant ready to be proved.  So, Adam and Eve the children of the God’s were placed on earth in the garden of Eden.  Innocent; that is to say, having no sin to their charge and ignorant; having forgotten everything they knew and not knowing good and evil.

They had Celestial bodies, that is to say, they had spirit matter flowing in there veins.  Our Father instructed them to care for the garden but not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, lest they die.  Now that one little bit of commandment was the only real agency they had.  They knew they may partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil but they knew they should not and they knew the consequence of disobeying.  That was the only particular in which they were really free.  Satan convinced Eve that she would be better off knowing good and evil than obeying Father.  And Eve convinced Adam also to disobey and as promised, they died spiritually that very day.  But they did become as the Gods, knowing good and evil.  Speaking of Eve convincing Adam that knowing good and evil rather that obeying father, I ponder about that one because she was right.  It’s a good thing she did it but how do we justify that?  I guess we can’t.  Well, what we know is this, our Father set up this situation so that Adam and Eve would fall.  I think he had the thing tilted so much that they couldn’t help themselves, they had to fall.  But my understanding is that he wanted them to fall of their own free will.  Had he thrust them out of his presence and said to them, “All right now you go away so that you can be out of my sight and be proved.”  Then in justice he would of had to have brought them back.  So when they of their own free will and choice go out of his sight and create the conditions of the fall then they of their own free will and choice have to fight their way back.  Now he provided the door by which they could come back.  But had he simply gathered everybody back, it wouldn’t be quit the same thing as I understand it.  So, Eve did a wonderful thing, even though she transgressed the commandment of the Father.  And Adam was smart enough to go along with her.  I’m glad he was that smart.  Well, anyway they did die spiritually and that set in motion all the things that were necessary for the creation of the world.

So, to know good and evil is to have the eyes of one’s understanding opened.  To see then in every choice a person makes there is the opportunity to pursue righteousness on the one hand by obeying God, or to pursue selfishness on the other hand by doing anything other than the will of God.  Now, not everybody’s eyes are opened to the same degree.  Some people only see that choice in some things. The more a person’s eyes are opened, that is to say, the more they understand what goes on.  They come to see that there is a right and a wrong to every action.  And the more they are enlarged to righteousness, through the help of God, eventually they will come to the point where they will be able to discern exactly in every case between righteousness and selfishness and their eyes are fully opened.

Having obeyed Satan rather than God, Adam and Eve became subject to Satan.  Satan was given power over their bodies to cause disease and death.  But only as the Father allowed such, that is to say, he has to go get permission whenever he wants to take somebody’s life.  The story of Job is the pattern for that.  Satan was given power to tempt Adam and his children to entice them away from that righteousness which comes only through obedience to God.

Satan’s temptation to us is to self righteousness.  To suppose that we of ourselves know better than God.  This is a temptation to man because sometimes his own desires and lusts cause him to want to disobey God.  So the real question is, will we obey our own lusts or will we obey the Father?  We are assured in the scriptures that Satan’s only power over us is to confirm us in our own lusts.  That is to say, if we don’t want something evil, there is no way that Satan can tempt us with that.  I’m sure we have all had the experience of being in the presence of great evil and not be tempted by it in the least.  On the other hand, being in the presence of evil and we’re greatly tempted by it.  I’m indebted to Dan Ludlow for one point that I hadn’t picked up on till last year.  And that is, that it is not the body that lusts, it’s the spirit.  And when we lust after something evil, it’s not because our body wants it, our body does not like to over-eat, for instance.  Or to do a number of other things that are wrong.  It’s our spirit that wants that.  And the cure is not in the body, the cure is in the spirit.  The cure is in our hearts which are part of our spirit.  Until we get our hearts straightened out we can’t solve this problem we have, say of over-eating or whatever it is.

I think that is a very important insight to realize that by, for instance age or aging will not cure our problems.  Cause though the body ages, the spirit doesn’t.  And if a young man leads off doing things that are evil when he gets older it’s because he doesn’t want to.  That is to say unless his spirit has changed, he may have stopped doing it because he can’t, but he still wants to, is what I’m trying to say.  And I think that we need to be so careful that we don’t suppose there’s some natural process that leads through aging or something that doesn’t take any will power on our part that gets rid of this selfishness out of us.

My understanding is, that getting rid of the selfishness is something that you and I have to do by taking ourselves in hand and recreating ourselves.  God gives us the power to do it but he cannot do it, he will not do it.  He insists that we take full charge.  He supervises, he instructs, he guides, he gives the power but we’re the ones that have to do it.

This world is then the place designated by God where he would send his children to see if they would love him and his righteousness more than they would love themselves and their own selfish desires.  Each would be given the light of Christ by which to know good and the companionship of evil spirits by which to be enticed to follow selfish desires.  Now we would have selfish desires if it were not for Satan.  What Satan does, is he loads the situation so that it compress the time necessary to have probation.  It probably would take a lot longer if we were just left without Satan to tempt us.  We would still want to be selfish.  But Satan is here to put pressure on the situation so that we can get it over with.  And that’s a blessing.  Especially for those who choose evil, they get it over with.

So, each mortal is given a limited time and space to love and to act to show what he or see really desires.  And the situation in which we are placed is where righteousness is only a hope and appealing and selfishness is an ever-present opportunity.  Now, it seems that it’s almost loaded against righteousness.  Selfishness seems to win most of the time.  But my guess is, is that it’s very much like a class.  Now when a teacher grades a class, you can skew it to make the examinations very very hard.  So that you stretch out the A students and get a variation amongst them.  Or you can make the test very easy and all the A students bunch up at the top and you spread out everyone else.  Well, my guess is that this earth is designed to make it very very difficult.  So that we wouldn’t get that spread at the top.  That is to say, so that it would be very clear who qualifies for exaltation.

I think the key to this world is that this world was not created to create Telestial spirits, (although it produces a lot of them) or Terrestrial spirits.  It was not created to produce people who just barely make it to the Celestial Kingdom.  But it’s set up to be so difficult that you clearly qualify for exaltation (which is the top one third of the Celestial Kingdom) if you make it, now that’s my guess. And I suppose that’s why it’s a great benefit to live on the most evil of all creations that Our Heavenly Father and the Savior have ever created.  Because it’s the most evil situation, we have the most opportunity to show our love for righteousness.  Because there’s no end to the evil we can turn away from and help to overcome in the world.  It’s virtually an unlimited opportunity.

The world ends when God sees the purposes of this mortality are either finished or are being thwarted.  As the world ended in the flood, the purposes were being thwarted.  This world will end twice again.  When the Savior comes again, (the beginning of the millennium) and at the end of the millennium.  This world is essentially the kingdom of Satan on earth.  The kingdom of Satan on earth was created by Adam’s disobedience.  Satan gained power then over man that there might be a world.

The natural man is the fall of man. The ordinary human creature who is without God and Christ in the world.  This person is an enemy to God, meaning that he does not love God.  He may not love God because he has never had the opportunity.  Or he may not do so out of choice.  It’s hard for us to judge. We don’t know who really has had the full opportunity or who hasn’t (although we can sometimes tell and the person themselves know.)  This natural man is sustained in life and thought and deeds continually by the power of God. And the light of Christ witness to him of good and evil, right and wrong.  This natural man sins because he can not help but break the laws of God.  He struggles to survive and make his way in the world by intelligence and brute strength.  Usually he thinks there is no hope for the world as a whole.  So he just tries to get a piece of satisfaction for himself, ere he meets that unwanted fate of death.  Death holds variously imagined terrors for him.  The righteous do not fear death.  The natural man fears death.  The natural man is carnal, in that he recognizes only physical evidence as the basis for knowledge.  He is sensual, in that he principally seeks for pleasure to bring him satisfaction.  He is devilish, in that by either not knowing or by  rejecting God he backs himself in the arms and power of Satan. Even though he may not believe in Satan, he nevertheless is captive to Satan and does Satan’s will.  And unless he’s is very rich his physical life is likely to be brutish and short.  Not a very pleasant situation but nevertheless a good situation.

So, to summarize the conditions of the world:

(1) God is in charge.  He controls and governs all things and witnesses of righteousness to all men.  Men are sufficiently instructed to know the difference between right and wrong and we will be judged on the basis of that knowledge.

(2) Satan is present with power over man as God gives him permission.  He tempts men to do their own thing and to disobey God thereby.  Hoping to enlarge his eternal kingdom of followers.  He pretends to be the God of this world.  He’s not.  But he claims that.

(3) Man has become spiritually dead.  Telestial, mortal he understands good and evil and is subject now to his own will.  He could not be subject to his own will until he clearly understood good and evil.  And the more he understands good and evil in more things, the more he is subject to his own will.  Then if he uses his will to choose righteousness, he grows and grows in the stature of righteousness, until eventually he can obtain the stature of Christ.  If he chooses selfishness he has the privilege of growing in that until he can obtain the stature of Satan.  In a sense become more powerful than Satan, having a body.

(4) The earth itself is fallen and telestial.  A place of opposition and work, but a place of order and beauty.  My conclusion about this whole matter is, that we live in a perfect earth and a perfect world.  I say that because it’s has been designed and created by a perfect being.  There’s no way to improve it.  Now don’t mistake me, it is possible for men to repent and to improve themselves but the situation cannot be improved upon.  It would not be good to remove Satan from this situation.  It would not be good to remove wars and diseases and terrors and all kinds of things from the earth.  Even though you and I are supposed to work against those things.  But if somehow we could reach out and remove all sickness and diseases form the earth, would that be a good thing?  No, if that were a good thing God would do it.  But he doesn’t do it because it’s good for men to have sickness.  Why?  Because it reminds them of their weakness and mortality and their fallibility.  Sickness brings people to their knees many times.  And were it not for sickness they would not resolve to compensate.  Sickness brings them to reflection, it brings them new understanding, it brings them to repentance.  And thus the work of God goes on.

Everything that happens on this earth, my testimony is, that God’s hand is in everything.  And he doesn’t let happen a single thing he doesn’t want to happen.  He doesn’t cause everything to happen but if he doesn’t want it to happen he prevents it from happening.  Now you and I cause much of what happens because our wills are part of this world.  We help create the world too.  We help it to be worldly when we disobey God.  We help push it towards the direction of righteousness when we obey God.  So we’re part of this too.  But God can eliminate our power to affect the world at any moment simply by taking us or by taking our power away.  Giving us a stroke or something so we can’t talk, can’t act.  He has very careful control over what you and I do.

So, it’s interesting to contemplate that whenever an evil man acts, he’s acting by the power of God in a sense.  God gave Hitler the power to kill all those Jews.  He didn’t particularly want Hitler to do it.  Hitler had to have the opportunity to do that and a number of other people had to have the opportunity to stand by and watch him so they could prove themselves.  Some people fought against him, they proved themselves.  Some people suffered and died and they proved themselves.  Some people suffered and died and became more righteous in the process and gained a great blessing out of it.  Some people suffered and died angrily, they lost in the process.  But the whole thing, as I understand it, is calculated to be the perfect situation for the probation for the souls of man.

So, there is a passage of scripture that is marvelous and pertinent to what we have talked about today and I’d like to read a few verse here.  II Nephi chapter two.  That chapter is so profound.  Father Lehi on his death bed after all the things he had said to his children.  When he was trying that one last time to say something important to Laman and Lemuel and the sons of Ismael and their wives. He went back to the story we just talked about and tried to emphasis to them the situation.  So let’s begin with verse fourteen,

“Now my sons I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; there is a God.”

See they had been maintaining there wasn’t one.  How could they do that, when they had seen angels, when they had seen the power of God?  Well, they very conveniently dismissed all of those evidences because they didn’t want them.  They wanted to think that everything was just natural so they could get everything they wanted by their own strength.  So that’s the way they tried to operate.

“He hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.  And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.”

The word existence itself means opposition.  Exist means to stand out, to be opposed, to be different from something.  It’s difference that makes existence.  So there had to be a difference between the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  There had to be a difference between God and Satan.  There has to be a difference between a good man and a bad man.

“Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself.  Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.”

Now, the great lesson we learn about this, is that we are free.  Even now if we are adult human beings and know the gospel of Jesus Christ, whatever we are is what we want to be.  That is to say, we have chosen ourselves into our present state.  We can also choose ourselves out of this present state if we wish to repent, by making different choices than we have in the past.  As we make choices we change our habits which changes our character which changes us.  We have the power to change ourselves.  The leopard can change his spots in this case.  We are children of God and he has given us this heritage of the power to change ourselves.  We are free, we won’t be able to blame a single soul for anything that happened in our lives as to why we became what we became when it’s all.

“And I, Lehi, according to the things which I have read, must needs suppose that an angel of God, according to that which is written, had fallen from heaven; wherefore, he became a devil, having sought that which was evil before God.  And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind.”

He wanted them to be damned as he was damned.

“Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.”

Part truth, part lie.  Part truth in the sense that they would know good and evil and they would be as God in one sense.  But there are sure a lot of other ways to be as God.  That didn’t make them like God.  That just gave them one little piece of being like God.  After Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit they were driven out of the Garden of Eden to till the earth and they brought forth children, yea, even all the family of the earth.  Adam, (the word Adam means man.)  I was interested to find that the word Eve in Hebrew is (hava), which means living, which might bring some connections for you.  And they brought forth family, yea, even the children of the earth.

“And the days of the children of men were prolonged, according to the will of God, that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men.  For he gave commandment that all men must repent; for he showed unto all men that they that they were lost, because of the transgression of their parents.”

Lost? In what sense?  They were lost from the presence of God.  The fall of Adam caused all of us to be fallen.  That is to say, to be spiritually dead, to be out of the presence of the Father, into the world where we would have the opportunity to choose our way back to life.

“And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden.  And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.”

That was an eternal kingdom, a Celestial Kingdom, a perfect kingdom that would have endured forever, but pointlessly.

“And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.”

So this fallen world then is better that that paradise was, in fact much better.  Because now we’re not innocent but can become again so.  We can have joy, we can have children, we can do good.

“…all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.  Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.”

Do you know what joy is?  My guess is, that it is not happiness.

“And the Messiah cometh in the fullness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall.  And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.”

Now he comes to the very point.

“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh;”

In other words, as I read what he is saying, is that we are free from our own flesh, through the gospel, through the Savior.  We need not be creatures of our flesh.  The gospel gives us the power to start telling our flesh what to do, rather than it telling us what to do.  And we can become free of all the physical, social, and environmental pressures that work upon our flesh that try to get us to conform to this world.  We can then give our allegence to the Savior and become a new creature.

“… they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.  I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;  And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein…”

So the dividing line between righteousness and selfishness then simply comes down to spirit and flesh.  If we become spiritual and yield to the Father and to the spirit, then we go in direction of righteousness.  But if we stay carnal and yield to the flesh, then we go in the direction of selfishness.  Well we’ve come to that time when we have a moment for questions.

question – (unheard)

“And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein.”  Satan’s only access to us is through our flesh.  He can not get at our spirit but he can affect our bodies.  So the avenue of his temptation is through the flesh.  But it isn’t the flesh itself that wants it.  Now  you and I, if we don’t want that thing, it’s no temptation at all, as I said.  It’s the spirit that decides whether it’s a temptation or not.  There’s somethings in my life, I hate to mention anything that I’ve stopped being tempt by … but nevertheless I’ve checked on this since then (probably referring to the Dan Ludlow statement).  It’s our spirit, if we’re gluttonous, it’s because our spirit craves satisfaction through gluttony. …  I thought so too until he said that.  And when he said that I was about half asleep, and when he said it, it was like someone had hit me with a sledge hammer.  The spirit shook me and said, here’s something we need to learn.  And I’ve thought about it for this whole year, year and a half, and I’ve come firmly to the conclusion that that is a correct insight.  And that what we have to do, is to see that we have control.  We don’t have control over the influences that come to our body but we do have control  over our spirit and how it reacts to the body.  That’s where our point of control is.  And how we’re going to get rid of these temptations is by stealing our spirit.

Now, you’ve all, I’m sure had the experience of being busily engaged in a project that was so intense and so interesting and so much fun or so important that hours go by and you don’t even notice the fact that meals times have gone past and the usual messages that come to the body don’t even get through.  Now that I think is one of the clues to the fact, that because the spirit is busily engaged the body doesn’t have that much power over it.  And I think the clue to righteousness is to get the body so busily engaged in the work of the Lord, that we tell our body when it’s suppose to rest, and when it’s suppose to eat and drink so that we can do the works of righteousness.  And we never assume the subject to it’s whims and desires.  I admit, that’s a tuff one.  Don’t believe me and don’t believe Dan Ludlow.  But I commend to you to work on that.  To think about it.

question – (unheard)

Intelligence is us.  The spiritual body and the physical body are tabernacles.  They’re instruments of the self, the real self is the intelligence, apparently.  Now apparently the spirit body has been welded into that intelligence and is part of the self now.  In the resurrection, this physical tabernacle will be welded into the spirit body and we will be all one being and that will be our being, never again to be divided.  But not so now.  We are very loosely attached to our bodies right now.  Apparently all you have to do is unzip it and away it goes.  And that’s the sensation some people say they have when they die, just like there being unzipped.

question – something about transformation from a Celestial body to a telestial body.

My understanding is that that transformation took place with the ingesting of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  It probably wasn’t just that ingesting but that probably was the occasion.  It was something that the Father did to them to change them into mortality so that they could die and that they would have this blood in their veins then that would allow their lives to be very temporary.  You are aware maybe, that scientists have discovered that there is this clock in living cells.  They will divide so many times and then they cease to divide no matter what you do to them.  You can freeze them and they will stop dividing, and then you thaw them they go on dividing till they get to that number and stop and die.  There is a time appointed for the death of man.  Our life is genetically controlled and genes are very important to the body we have.  Have you ever stopped to realize, it’s possible that you and I have in our bodies genetic material that once was part of the body of Adam and Eve.  Physically we are linked to them by that process.  And if that’s true, then we have in our bodies material that physically was in the body of God, because we are the children of Gods.  And you see, part of our salvation is to get this flesh transformed and renewed.  But that depends on our righteousness.  Just as the fall depended upon disobedience and unrighteousness.

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Why We Are Here

Because we are blessed with knowing the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, we understand that there are five basic irreducible purposes of our mortal existence. Only the first is absolutely essential. To fulfill the others makes a fullness of blessing. The five are as follows:

  1. To gain a mortal tabernacle for our spirit. This is the necessary prelude to immortal life in a tabernacle of flesh and bone, which is the heritage of all human beings.
  2. To develop a Christ-like character. To learn to act righteously, responding to the spiritual influences from the Savior and learning not to be controlled by the physical forces around us is our goal. Every human situation is rich with opportunity to learn to be honest, true, chaste, benevolent and to do good to all men. Either sex, any race, any age, any educational level, any economic level, affords an almost overwhelming opportunity to add good habit to good habit, correct preference to correct preference, true idea of Christ to guide him or her in this quest for perfect character. But one cannot finish the task except one receives the fullness of the Restored Gospel and the ordinances of the new and everlasting covenant.
  3. To relieve suffering. The world is full of sorrow and suffering because of the sins of men. But that sorrow and suffering becomes an opportunity to those who have learned the unselfishness of the Savior. With heart, might, mind, and strength, they labor to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to heal the sick, to comfort the tormented, to assure the bereaved, to plead for the unjustly accused, to teach the unlearned. All of this is done under the Savior’s direction, never by using their own or any other man’s wisdom. Their goal is to be sure that they product more good in this world than that which they consume, and that they share their surplus.
  4. To pass on the seed. To marry in the Lord’s covenant and to bring the souls of men and women to this world is the fourth task. To forebear having children by artificial means subverts both character and the plan. “Children are an heritage of the Lord. Blessed is he who has his quiver full.”
  5. To pass on the gospel. To bring up our children in the nurture of the Lord, transmitting the faith which is precious above all other ideas or messages in this world, constitutes the fifth great opportunity. We are not limited to sharing with our children, but sharing our faith fully with them is essential.

When our lives are finished, only these things will be important for eternity:

  1. We gained a mortal tabernacle, and therefore can be resurrected to immortality, becoming just and true in all things.
  2. We gained a Christ-like character, and therefore can be trusted with the same glory the Savior has.
  3. We relieved suffering. We showed that as with our Master, we lived to serve and to help, not to “lord” it over anyone.
  4. We sacrificed to bring others into mortality and therefore we can be trusted to continue to bear souls in eternity.
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The Two Covenants

The Two Covenants

Chauncey C. Riddle is an emeritus professor of philosophy at BYU.

Chauncey C. Riddle

The Grand Council by Robert E Barratt

The Grand Council by Robert E Barratt

The most important things for any human being to know are that there does exist a God of righteousness, that He is our Father, and that He is trying to help all of us inherit all that He is and has. He is righteous and acts only to maximize the happiness of every being He oversees. He is our Father because He begat us as His spirit children in our premortal existence. And He is trying to share with us His character of perfect righteousness, His omniscience, His omnipotence, and His dominion. His program to share with us is the joyous news, the gospel of Jesus Christ. To share with us, Heavenly Father provided two covenants whereby His children could demonstrate the ability to bear the weight of blessings He would like to share. Both covenants were planned from the beginning to suit the needs of His children. Each covenant allows the child of God to demonstrate an ability to perform in his or her own sphere, as evidence that the full weight of the Father’s blessings would bring happiness, not sorrow, to the individual. The full weight of the Father’s blessings is called “exaltation” and is a calling to join with God in His eternal work of righteousness to bring to pass the maximal happiness for each being in the universe.

The Religious Educator Vol 3 No 3 2002

The Two Covenants – Quoted from The Religious Educator Vol 3 No 3 2002


The first covenant, as announced in the premortal existence, is the covenant of perfect obedience. His children would be brought into mortality and would be proved to see if they would do all things whatsoever the Lord their God would command them to do (see Abraham 3:22–25). This covenant is fulfilled only by our living a perfect mortal life, by not deviating from the path of perfect obedience one iota, no matter what the opposition or the consequences. This demonstration of perfect obedience is no idle or pointless exercise. It is a demonstration of the ability to do what exalted beings all do: to lead an absolutely disciplined existence of action in accordance with the principles of righteousness and order in the priesthood chain of command in the process of blessing others. This is the eternal path: blessing others here and now as preparation for an eternity of blessing them there and then, in a way that is selfless and holy. One deviation from the path, however minor, would show that that person cannot be trusted. And because he or she cannot be trusted, he or she cannot be given the blessings of exaltation. To be trusted is more important than to be loved. All of God’s children are loved by Him, but only a few can He trust completely.

Adam and Eve were participants in the first covenant in the Garden of Eden. Adam was determined to keep all the Father’s commandments. But before long, Adam and Eve broke the covenant of obedience and were thrust out of the garden and out of God’s presence. This fall was part of the Father’s plan so that they and their children would have an opportunity to generate the internal strength they did not already have and thus to become trustworthy. In this way, God could save and bless more than just those who were already of perfect character and therefore already trustworthy.


The second covenant, companion to the covenant of perfect obedience, is the covenant of perfect repentance (see Moses 6:56–57). The word perfect means “complete.” Perfect obedience can be demonstrated only by persons of already perfect character. But all of God’s children, of any character, can choose to comply with the second covenant of perfect repentance by repenting until they have perfect character. Then, when they have perfect character, they can comply with the first covenant and demonstrate perfect obedience. This second covenant of perfect repentance is usually referred to as the new and everlasting covenant. It is “new” because it comes after the first covenant. It is “everlasting” because it is made possible only through the life, mission, and Atonement of Jesus Christ, one of His names being “Everlasting.”

When most people think of the work of Jesus Christ and His covenant, they think of forgiveness of sins. And forgiveness is important. But it is not the most important thing the second covenant does. The most important thing the new and everlasting covenant does is to bring about a change of character so the person can perform with perfect obedience under the first covenant. When we have attained perfect repentance through Jesus Christ, we then can prove that we can be perfectly obedient, and our Savior is pleased to be able to forgive us of our sins. And He is very forgiving. All who go to a kingdom of glory—celestial, terrestrial, or telestial—are forgiven of their sins either through Jesus Christ or through their own personal suffering. But only a few of those forgiven of their sins can be trusted completely. Only a few who can be given all knowledge, power, dominion, and freedom will then not exercise unrighteous dominion. Those few are precious. They become joint heirs with Christ in receiving all that He has, and He has received all His Father has. Those who cannot be trusted may receive glory but not a fulness. Therefore, their state in eternity is, in a sense, damnation. They receive all the blessings they have demonstrated they will use in righteousness. But where their character has not been changed so that they can be perfectly obedient, in that area they cannot receive a fulness of the blessings; this is damnation to some degree. Even the angels in the celestial kingdom are damned to a degree because they would not fully partake of the new and everlasting covenant (see D&C 131:1–4). Thus, the main point of the new and everlasting covenant is that it allows a person to change character until he or she is a new creature. The individual may become new to any degree desired. The power of Christ in the new and everlasting covenant is sufficient to help any person attain any degree of perfection desired. Total perfection, to come into the measure of the stature of Christ, is attained only by those persons who fully keep the new and everlasting covenant. As they work through to complete repentance, they are added upon, bit by bit, until they are as noble, as selfless, and as trustworthy as is Christ Himself. Through perfect repentance, they have come to be a perfect person, renewed unto the full measure of the stature of Christ Himself.

The Merits of Christ

How is this perfection achieved? The story of this process of repenting is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Perfection comes only in and through the merits of Christ. What are His merits? First, He has a perfect character. Second, He is exalted and has all the Father’s knowledge, power, and ability. Third, He performed the Atonement and thus is able to resurrect all men and women and to plead before the Father for the forgiveness of their sins. Fourth, He is the creator of heaven and earth and all things that in them are, the governor and manager of our universe. Because He was already perfect in character, our Savior came into mortality and kept fully the first covenant of perfect obedience. Subject to all the problems of mortality that every other human being suffers, He came into this world as a human being, denied each temptation of Satan, and fulfilled the Father’s will in every single instruction.

He was and is exalted, having all power in time and in eternity to do whatever work of godliness is required for the blessing of mankind. We do not yet comprehend the great blessings He has in store for the faithful. But the faithful are not primarily faithful so that they will get the blessings; they are faithful because faithfulness is the right thing to do, the thing that will enable them to bless others. The life and mission of Jesus Christ as a whole could be called His Atonement, or His at-one-ment, whereby He attempts to reconcile each of us with the Father. Father cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance, and our Savior tries to help each person to stop sinning and to be forgiven of the sins committed so that he or she can again stand in Father’s presence. He sends His gospel into the earth that all might be fully instructed as to how to enter into and complete the second covenant and be fully empowered through its ordinances to grow in character. Only those who complete the second covenant—who achieve perfect repentance—can be fully trustworthy and thus acceptable to our Father, to become one with Him, even as He and our Savior are one. The arms of mercy and repentance are extended to all mankind that everyone who wishes to partake may, without money and without price. But repent they must. Being the creator and governor of the universe, our Savior manages all things for the instruction and blessing of each human being. Every human experience is an opportunity to repent, to change our actions and through changing our actions to change our character. Through the gifts of the Spirit, which Christ bestows, the efforts of men and women are matched with the divine power each needs to repent until repentance is complete and each has endured to the end, which is to become as Christ.

There is no more intelligent thing to do in the universe than to rely on the merits of Jesus Christ. That is the only path to happiness. The degree to which any human being relies on the merits of Christ will be the measure of his or her happiness.

The Measure of Our Faith and Repentance

It is important now to say how the first principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ are to be applied in this quest for complete repentance. The first principles are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance.

To have faith in Jesus Christ means to accept His gospel message as attested to by the Holy Ghost and then to rely fully upon the merits of Christ. It means to rely on His name, to keep His commandments, and to strive for perfection of character in all things. If there is anything mean, cowardly, lascivious, untruthful, snobbish, lazy, careless, or lacking in character, our business as servants of Christ is to root out these things with all haste and effort. This is done not only that our own souls can be saved but because we cannot love anyone else purely or deeply until all of these ungodly things are rooted out of our souls through faith and repentance. To have faith in Christ means to trust in Him completely to the giving up of all our sins, bad habits, untrue ideas, evil thoughts, or untoward desires.

An essential part of trusting in Jesus Christ is knowing who His servants are and accepting them as His servants. For instance, no one alive today can fully come unto Christ and receive the fulness of His blessings in this life or in the world to come if that person cannot and does not accept Joseph Smith Jr. as the prophet of this dispensation. It is through him that the keys of the priesthood have come to this time to offer salvation to every soul on earth. Joseph Smith truly did represent Jesus Christ in full authority to bring souls to Christ. Likewise, no one can be saved today and receive all the blessings unless he or she accepts Gordon B. Hinckley as the living prophet. One thing that faithful people quickly learn is that they must also accept the leadership of their stake president and bishop—or their mission president if they are missionaries. No one who has true faith in Christ would think of making a serious life change, such as getting married or divorced, without consulting their bishop and staying close to him in the process. This phenomenon of accepting priesthood authority as part of faith in Jesus Christ is somewhat jokingly in the Church called being “priesthood broke,” the western term referring to a horse being broken to be manageable and ride-able. Those who have true faith in Christ wear the priesthood harness well; they do their assignments well; they support those in authority over them; they minister to those under their priesthood authority; and they strive to bring all humans to Christ both by precept and by example.

One very good measure of our faith and trust in Christ is our lack of fear. If we are His faithful servants, He has promised that all things would and will work together for our good, no matter what happens (see D&C 98:3). If we believe this, we can meet each day with joy and gladness, each crisis with equanimity, and each calamity with recognition of an opportunity to do good. If we are afraid of anything, that fear is the measure of our lack of trust in Christ. For if all things work together for our good, what is there to fear? If we will only do our part and obey Christ in all things, there is no need to fear anything except not having faith in Jesus Christ. The second principle of the gospel is repentance. Repentance is changing each act of our life that is not an act of faith in Christ to become an act of faith in Jesus Christ. To help us with this process, our Savior sends the Holy Spirit to be the constant companion of His covenant servants. With the help of the whisperings and promptings of the Holy Spirit, each of us is guided into the narrow path of obedience to Jesus Christ. Humble, willing obedience to Jesus Christ is faith in Him. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot perfect our faith in Christ. And perfect faith in Christ is the end or goal of repentance. To repeat: repentance is changing our feelings, thinking, decisions, and actions until each thing we do is an act of faith in Jesus Christ. Then we are faith-full. What makes the second covenant so drastically different from the first covenant is that in the first covenant if we make one mistake, break one commandment of God, we are lost. In the second covenant, if we break a commandment and misstep on our way, that can be forgiven if we are truly sorry and get ourselves back onto the strait and narrow way of faith. That getting back is repentance. Should we sin many times, we still can be forgiven if we truly repent and get back onto the track of trust in Christ. Thus, the second covenant is the covenant of complete or perfect repentance.

All the other laws and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ are examples of the application of faith in Jesus Christ and repentance in our lives and can be truly and fully understood only in that light. Faith, repentance, and all of the other laws and principles of the gospel have one end: to produce persons of perfect character whose only actions are those of the pure love of Christ. Pure means selfless. Those who are pure live outside of themselves in service to others. They have a pure love for Christ, looking to Him in every thought (see D&C 6:36). They see the face of Christ in every person they encounter. They minister to every person they encounter as Christ would, discerning their needs and blessing each person with whatever he or she needs to take the next step on the individual path to happiness. Filled with the Holy Ghost and the power of the holy priesthood, the child of Christ knows what to do and has the power to do whatever is necessary to manifest the pure love of Christ.

An Ongoing Work

If enough of the children of Christ who have pure love happen to be in one place, they together constitute a Zion, for they are pure in heart (see Moses 7:18). To establish Zion is to encourage and entice every person to enter the new and everlasting covenant and to endure to the end, which end is to be able to love with pure love, and which end is also eternal life. The work of establishing Zion is a work of power. It cannot be done by mortal means. Only as the powers of heaven come down and infuse the natural, mortal situation can we be saved, which salvation is to be changed from the natural, mortal condition to the stature of the character of Christ, full of pure love, as He is. A key power that makes this transformation possible is the holy priesthood. God bestows the holy priesthood upon men, and they use it in the service of Christ to bring about the personal transformations I have been discussing. They use it to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. They use it to administer the ordinances of the new and everlasting covenant. They use it to establish and guide The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They use it to bless each other, to check evil, to control the elements of nature, and to do whatever God instructs them to do.

Special mention needs to be made of the ordinances of the new and everlasting covenant as administered by the holy priesthood. The two basic parts of that second covenant are baptism and the receiving of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood.

Baptism is the first part of the new and everlasting covenant. It allows individuals formally to renounce their old, natural way of living and to announce a determination to accept the power of God to change their nature into the character of Christ. The person who truly is reborn of water and of the Spirit is as a little child: meek, submissive, patient, humble, and willing to submit to whatever the Lord sees fit to inflict upon him or her (see Mosiah 3:19). Having been given the right to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, the person strives to treasure that influence and to obey God in all things, putting aside all worldliness and walking in the plain path of goodness, virtue, and service to others in the pure love of Christ.

When men and women are well rooted and established as reborn children of Christ, anxiously engaged each day in selflessly pursuing the services the Master would have them render to others, they are ready to receive and profit from the holy Melchizedek Priesthood. For men, there are three steps in receiving that priesthood power to be able to minister to others as a greatly enhanced being. The first step is to be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood. The second is to receive one’s endowment in the holy temple. The third is to be sealed to an eternal companion in the temple.

To be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood is to join the ranks of the empowered servants of God to give special service: missionary work, church work, family work, and temple work. All who receive that priesthood are assigned to a quorum, where they are to learn to serve with others and to learn to wear the priesthood harness well, pulling their load in coordination with others. As they are faithful and continue in repentance, the power of the priesthood wells up within them; they become full of the gifts and powers and knowledge of the Lord and gain the power to bless others with ordinances, miracles, direction, and insight.

In due time, the faithful servant of Christ is invited to go into the holy temple to receive the endowment. The endowment is a gift, as the name suggests. It is a gift of all the eternal powers and blessings the person needs to overcome the world and to accomplish his or her mortal mission. Without the endowment, the person has not the power to defeat Satan and to fulfill all the callings received as a servant in the kingdom of Christ. The blessings of the endowment, like that of the gift of the Holy Ghost at baptism, do not come automatically. The ordinances are the bestowing of a right to receive, and as the gifts are carefully sought for and treasured by explicit prayer and obedience, the gifts come in the sequence and degree the Lord sees is best for the development of the individual into the likeness of the character of Christ. When endowed persons are ready to marry and establish a new eternal family, those who preside over them send them to the temple to receive a fulness of the blessings of the gospel. In the temple sealing, they receive all the other powers and rights they need to act as husband and wife, father and mother, in their own eternal kingdom. Their own eternal kingdom is not solely their property. They are Christ’s, and Christ and all of His are the Father’s. The couple joins the eternal family and kingdom of the gods and through faithfulness enter into the order of the gods for an eternal career of blessing others with all that time and eternity afford.

A Path to Perfection

Now to sum up this discussion of the two covenants.

The first covenant is the basic covenant. It is never replaced by the second covenant. The purpose of the second, or new and everlasting covenant, is to enable us to grow in stature and character until we can fulfill the first covenant of perfect obedience. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, kept the first covenant in His mortal life and through His Atonement made the second covenant possible for us. The key to remember is that neither covenant excuses sin. The first covenant requires sinlessness, always. The second covenant is a covenant of mercy, which allows a person to learn through experiment, and in experimenting and trying, perhaps to sin, but then to repent unto not sinning. The second covenant is an inclined plane that leads gently up to perfection, whereas the first covenant demands perfection from the beginning. Both demand perfection, and the reward of each is the powers, abilities, and life of a perfect person. One is direct; the other is roundabout.

The first covenant is pure and straight justice. The second covenant is a covenant of justice mixed with temporary mercy for those who do not as yet have the character of Christ to produce and to abide perfect justice. Both come to the same end, the first by direct obedience to the Father, the second by becoming first children of Christ and then, as His children, growing until we can give direct and total obedience to the Father.

The good news is that “the leopard can change its spots.” Whatever we are and have been, we can change. By submitting ourselves to Christ through His new and everlasting covenant, we can become new creatures with new habits, new desires, a new mind, a new heart, and a new body.

This is salvation indeed.

I rejoice in the goodness of our God in providing two covenants whereby mankind may join the ranks of the gods. The first is the eternal order of the gods. The second is the apprenticeship whereby we learn to abide the perfect and eternal order of the gods. I thank our Father and His Son for giving us these two great gifts to bless our lives.

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