Principles Regarding Testimony — CCR 10 August 2014

Testimony: The witness that any human being gives.

  1. The words “I know” and “I believe” are essentially synonymous.
  2. Much human testimony and most testimonials have no face value.
  3. The spirit that accompanies a human testimony is the essence of any human testimony.
  4. The message the spirit gives when a human being bears a testimony is what is important.
  5. Two persons could give the exact same words and bear very different testimonies.
  6. Every word and every deed of a human being are expressions of testimony.
  7. Every scientific treatise is a testimony.
  8. Every historical narrative is a testimony.
  9. Every work of art is a testimony.
  10. No human testimony can save any other human being.
  11. The only means of a human being being saved is through revelation from God.
  12. Willing and immediate obedience to  revelation from God is Faith in Jesus Christ.
  13. Only through Faith in Jesus Christ is anyone saved from his or her sins. (There are two senses of being saved from our sins: 1) to be helped to stop sinning, and 2) to be forgiven of past sins. Both senses of being saved from sin are important, but the first is far more important.)
  14. The ultimate testimony bearing is deeds, not words. The best bearing of testimony is acts of faith in Christ.
  15. Gaining a real testimony is essentially receiving revelation from God. There is no other rock. Witnessing miracles, Book of Mormon internal and external evidences, having questions answered, etc., are all helps for receiving a testimony, but all are insufficient.
  16. It is impossible to bear a real testimony without having received a real testimony from God.
  17. Having a real testimony itself does not save anyone. Only faith in Christ saves anyone.
  18. The most important testimony you will ever hear: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
  19. It is impossible to be saved without bearing our testimony if we are instructed by God to do so.
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