Notes on having a testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. A testimony of the gospel is a matter of heart more than mind. The mind must be involved to form a content of ideas, but the acceptance or certification of those ideas is a function of the heart. It is our hearts that are being tested and proved, not our minds. This is important because whatever a normal human being does stems from the desires of the heart. The mind furnishes alternatives for the heart to consider, but the heart is the ruler. Thus we always do what we want to do. Wants are of the heart.
  2. Thus testimony of the gospel, or the absence thereof, is a spiritual matter, not basically an intellectual one. The heart entertains spirits, and the mind entertains ideas. There are two spirits, the Holy Spirit and the unholy spirit. The Holy Spirit testifies of truth, but the unholy spirit tells us that whatever we want to believe is true and whatever we want to do is the good thing to do. The unholy spirit is the influence of Satan. The unholy spirit tells us humans that there is no such thing as Satan, and those who like the unholy spirit agree, and say that Satan is not real. So having a testimony of the Restored Gospel depends on how much we are influenced by either or both of those two spirits.
  3. Then there is desire. Some people do not want to have a testimony, no matter what. Sometimes this stems from their ancestors belonging to another church. Sometimes it stems from a desire not to be in the minority. Sometimes it stems from specifically wishing to break one or more of the commandments. Those who are hungry to know the truth and to live it will eventually find a testimony and will live by it.
  4. And there is selfishness or a lack thereof. Those who are intent on doing their own will and in obtaining the pleasure or worldly rewards that are dear to them will not seek nor often find a testimony. But those who enjoy ministering to the needs of others and heavily invest in doing so will eventually find their way to the Restored Gospel and its ordinances because there one finds the power to bless others maximally.

My most precious possession is my testimony that Jesus is the Christ and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church on the face of this earth. My personal testimony rests on three pillars. First, I can pray and get answers to my prayers. I do not get answers always or about every matter, but I get enough that I am completely sold on prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. The second pillar of my testimony is the Book of Mormon. As I read and study it, I receive revelation that quickens my understanding and often shows me the path I must follow to do good. The third pillar of my testimony is the power of the Holy Priesthood as I see it exercised by those in authority and also by others and by myself.

One strong component of my testimony is an awareness of the existence and power of Satan. I find I must struggle with his temptations every day, almost every minute. It is as if I were walking on the top of a wall where there is a path just wide enough to walk comfortably. But there are ropes attached to my arms and legs which someone uses to pull me to one side or the other to try to topple me from the wall. I find that by paying very careful attention to what I am doing, I can resist the tugs when they come. If I do not resist, then I am pulled off the wall. Only by arduous effort can I then get back on the wall (the arduous effort is sincere repentance and then partaking of the sacrament). It is my firm belief that the many persons who do not believe in the existence of Satan and his power to tempt us have no real defense against his power.

Every normal adult has a testimony of something. But those who have a testimony that Jesus is the Christ and how to come unto him are very specially blessed.

May each of you be blessed.

C. C. Riddle

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